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03 Apr.,2024


Mocha to the Max - Sweet Ground Chocolate Powder vs. Sauce

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A large percentage of coffee consumption is now comprised of Mochas, Lattes and Cappuccinos. Considering that these specialty coffee drinks are made up of primarily milk and flavorings, its ironic that most café owners will take the time to choose a quality coffee, but will often not think about the quality of the other ingredients they're using to make that specialty coffee drink! In this article we will focus on what goes into making a Premium Mocha and the decision to use a Sweet Ground Chocolate Powder or Chocolate Sauce.

Let's start with what the basic ingredients are to make a 12 oz. mocha: 8 oz. Milk, 2 oz. Espresso, 1.5 oz Chocolate Sauce or 3 tablespoons of Chocolate powder. Of course some only like an ounce of Espresso and more milk/chocolate, and some want less additives and more Espresso, but any way you cut it the major ingredient in a Mocha isn't coffee, it's the other ingredients.

Assuming you've chosen quality Espresso Beans and Milk to create your Mocha you're now left with a key decision - what to use for your Chocolate ingredient? The first part is usually obvious and that's to use a quality, premium chocolate! So the next decision is what form of Chocolate to use - Powder or Sauce?

Sweet Ground Chocolate Powder vs. Sauce

Benefits Chocolate Powder Chocolate Sauce Quality Equal Equal Cost 20-25%/serving less than Sauce   Easy of use Equal Equal Shelf Life Up to 2 years Up to 1 year Flexibility Mochas, baking, make your own sauce, topping Mochas, more topping appeal than a powder Merchandising Appeal Branded premium powders can be promoted on a menu and powder caddies Branded Premium Sauces can be promoted on menus and in bottle racks

Overall, using a Sweet Ground Chocolate powder seems to have an advantage over a Chocolate Sauce. However, both are great for mochas and many times it's simply a personal preference. If you go with a Premium Branded Chocolate you now have an added bonus of being able to merchandise the quality chocolate you're using in your mochas.

Barista Pro Shop can offer you a couple of great Branded Premium Chocolate options for your Mocha needs. Ghirardelli Chocolate Co. has Sweet Ground Chocolate Powders and Sauces in a variety of flavors. See below for great Mocha recipe ideas:

Sauce Recipes


1 1/2 ounce Chocolate Sauce 2 ounces Espresso 8 ounces Steamed milk

Combine sauce and espresso in 12-oz. Mug. Stir until well combined. Pour steamed milk into mug; stir to combine sauce and espresso. Top with froth from steamed milk. Drizzle with Ghirardelli Chocolate Flavored Sauce.

Serving/Yield = 1 - 12oz.

White Mocha

1 1/2 ounce White Chocolate Sauce 2 ounces Espresso 8 ounces Steamed milk

Combine sauce and espresso in 12-oz. Mug. Stir until well combined. Pour steamed milk into mug; stir to combine sauce and espresso. Top with froth from steamed milk. Drizzle with Ghirardelli White Chocolate Flavored Sauce.

For a less sweet mocha use 1/2 ounce Sweet Ground or Chocolate Sauce and 1 ounce White Flavored Sauce.

Serving/Yield = 1 - 12oz.

Powder Recipes

Classic Mocha - Powder Recipe

3 Tbl. Sweet Ground Chocolate Powder 12 oz. Steamed/Heated Milk 1-2 ounces Espresso

Classic White Mocha - Powder Recipe

3 Tbl. Sweet Ground White Chocolate Powder 12 oz. Steamed/Heated Milk 1-2 oz. Espresso

Classic Hot Chocolate - Powder Recipe

3 Tbl. Sweet Ground Chocolate Powder 12 oz. Steamed/Heated Milk

Classic Hot White Chocolate - Powder Recipe

3 Tbl. Sweet Ground White Chocolate Powder 12 oz. Steamed/Heated Milk

If you have any questions on Plastic Chocolate sauce tub, 250g IML Plastic chocolate sauce tub. We will give the professional answers to your questions.