Re footswitch and FX. So I want to use different FX scenarios but as informed band member and sound guy will realise there is limited options. As the keys player and sound guy too, as a minimum I want general reverb, double track and chorus as options plus mute fx overall PLUS the 4th rack space for uncontrolled drum reverb at least for now'.SO'heres my configuration after hours of experimenting.
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Rack 1 is the space verb with medium time release, large hall preset.
Rack 2 is the chorus.
Rack 3 is the double tracker.
Rack 4 space reverb to which you do a simple sends to from drum inputs snare, HH, toms etc but not the kick.
Each effect HAS to have its send to LR up, id say at 3 oclock to start with.
Now set your first vocal mic to the chorus by raising the send to of that mic to the chorus but not the reverb rack 1.
Mute the chorus, then repeat the process for the double track. Once you have sufficient levels on the Main LR.
Click on rack 1 space verb, open the send to tab, turn up the FX 3 level with FX 3 unmuted if course. You should now get double track with a level of reverb. I kept this low for old 50s 60s slapback rock n roll effect.
Mute the DT rack 3 and unmute chorus rack 2.
Go back to space verb rack 1 sends to levels and raise the FX2 level. I set this quite high for almost swamping reverb for big ballad (Walker bros loving feeling song sound)
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So to the footswitching conundrum. IF you create a MUTE ALL FX, yes it mutes them all but on clicking again, it UNMUTES THEM ALL which will not do in this scenario.
I have a powered dual footswitch thats configurable so its set for latching so the leds illuminate on the pedal. Configure the tip and ring to suit. I set the ring to FX2 and tip to FX3. On my pedal before getting on with playing, I turn off the pedal leds, then mute the 2 fx channels on the screen so now when the led is on, the efrect mute is off. I can now select either, both or none. When FX2 and FX3 are muted, they do not send signals to the reverb on FX (rack)1 thus it mutes that too. I know its convoluted to some of you but its a goodnway of at least dual selectable effects while playing and you dont have a designated sound guy out the front who canneasily do this manually anyway.
I chose not to use scenes for anything but a starting preset as any on the fly adjustments are negated if you call a scene as in back to thatbpreset if you see what I mean.
Inam hoping to aquire a better FX unit with midi input so it can be patched in with my rig control system, something you cant do with the CQ with no midi, and even then, will there be an FX call function that does not effect the actual mix.
PS I aquired a NUX NMP-2 Foot Switch plus a stereo jack to jack TRS lead and a 9V psu to power it as its a lot less than the Boss FS
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