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16 Apr.,2024


Considering the importance of rubber in the late game economy, I figured it'd be good to have a list of exactly where the world's rubber is. The rubber events start kicking it in 1880, with MTTH of 36 months in. Early rubber can be found here:
province_id = 1354
province_id = 1364
province_id = 1367
province_id = 1382
province_id = 1384
province_id = 1385
province_id = 1386
province_id = 1389
province_id = 1402
province_id = 1404
province_id = 1827
province_id = 1829
province_id = 1833
province_id = 1836
province_id = 1837
province_id = 1848
province_id = 1850
province_id = 1890
province_id = 1891
province_id = 1923

These provinces include
Siam - 1
Cambodia - 2
Dai Nam - 1
Johor Bahru - 2
British Singapore - 2
Jambi - 2
Egypt - 5
Ethiopian Asmara - 2
Liberia - 2
Lagos - 1

In 1890, more provinces get rubber. Later rubber can be found in:

trigger = {
year = 1890
or = {
province_id = 1926
province_id = 1929
province_id = 1931
province_id = 1932
province_id = 1957
province_id = 1986
province_id = 1988
province_id = 1989
province_id = 1996
province_id = 2192
province_id = 2317
province_id = 2318
province_id = 2319
province_id = 2321
province_id = 2402
province_id = 2404
province_id = 2405
province_id = 2549
province_id = 2550
province_id = 2600

These are translated into
Lagos - 1
Benin - 1
Warri - 2
S Cameroon - 1
Congo (Kasai, Katanga x 2, Congo Orientale) - 4
USCA - 1
Bolivia - 4
Brazil - 6

Of these rubber producing regions, the following draw strong GP interest (meaning you have to fight for them with DPs or military might)
Jambi (assuming the Netherlands is not a GP)

These produce some interest:
Johor Bahru

These produce minimal GP interest
Dai Nam

I never realized that Egypt had rubber (in Halaib and Khartoum regions). Usually, I only entered the Egyptian scrum for Dumyat/Suez Canal. I don't know if the Kahrtoum and Halaib rubber is worth the infamy, but if you crippled Egypt during the seizure of Dumyat, it'd make a nice addition to Ethiopia (if Ethiopia was on the menu next). Bolivia's rubber is half in La Paz region, which is often targetted by Brazil. So Brazil can end up with 8 rubber regions. Looking at the rubber provs that have little GP interest, it might prove a good return on DPs to sphere/annex them. The other provinces are all colonial regions, mostly concentrated in West and Central Africa.

Given that no rubber producing land (with the exception of Dutch and British colonies) will produce automobiles, sphering these places is pretty much the same as owning the resources.

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