Nuts and bolts are unsung heroes of any large structures of bringing together parts in a nonpermanent way. If you are one to know about the best nut bolt manufacturer company, you are in the right place.
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Nuts and bolts work together with washers to connect work pieces. You may hear the terms nuts and bolts used interchangeably, but a bolt has a very different function than a nut. We'll discuss different types of each piece of hardware, when you'd use them and the basics of how each piece functions to join pieces together.
Bolts have a head with a driving surface (typically hexagonal, to fit a wrench or socket/ratchet combination) and a cylindrical shaft that runs through the work pieces you're assembling. The shaft is threaded but often has an unthreaded portion known as the shank or body near the head. The shank reduces the likelihood of the bolt shearing or snapping as the stronger, unthreaded portion carries most of the load. This unthreaded portion can also make it easier and faster to install longer bolts.
In most assemblies, you'll need a washer ' a thin, unthreaded piece that fits onto the bolt shaft. Its function is to spread the load of the connection over a greater area or to help prevent the fastener from loosening once installed.
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A nut pulls the work pieces together along the bolt shaft. A nut is threaded like a bolt, but while a bolt has external threads along the shaft, a nut has internal threads. The nut threads fit the threads on the bolt, allowing the nut to spin along the bolt shaft. A nut designed to work with a bolt will have a driving surface like that of the bolt (a hexagonal nut works with a hex-head bolt).
One typical application for a bolt, washer and nut is to insert a bolt into matching holes on work pieces you're fastening and then tighten the nut. As you tighten the nut, it cinches the pieces together, forcing the washer against one element and pulling the bolt head tightly against the other element. You'll often need two wrenches so you can hold the bolt head in place while tightening the nut.
Keep in mind that to properly match a nut and washer to a bolt, you need to consider factors such as material, finish, size and thread type.
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