Video: Titanium dioxide bans under consideration in ...

02 Sep.,2024


Video: Titanium dioxide bans under consideration in ...

[Image above] Many popular candies, such as Skittles, Starbursts, and Sour Patch Kids, contain titanium dioxide as a food additive. Ever since the European Commission instituted a ban on TiO2 as a food additive in , several U.S. states have introduced legislation that would ban its use as well. Credit: Vinicius &#;amnx&#; Amano, Unsplash

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With Valentine&#;s Day fast approaching, grocery store candy aisles are overflowing with heart-shaped sweets and chocolate boxes. But consumers in the United States and Europe will notice one big difference between the items offered in each place&#;the presence (or not) of the food additive titanium dioxide (TiO2).

TiO2 is used as a whitening or brightening agent in a wide variety of products, including paints, paper, textiles, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Its use as a food additive started in when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized its use.

Despite its long history as a food additive, the European Commission decided to institute a ban on TiO2 as a food additive in . The ban followed the release of an updated assessment by the European Food Safety Authority in , which could not rule out genotoxicity concerns for new ultrafine nanoforms of TiO2.

Since that ban went into full effect in August , various alternatives for food coloring additives are being adopted in Europe Union countries. However, despite some lawsuits in the U.S., the FDA remains firm in its guidance that TiO2 can be used as a food additive as long as its amount does not exceed 1% by weight of the food.

Though no movement to ban TiO2 as a food additive has occurred on the federal level in the U.S., the possibility is now being floated in legislation from several states.

For example, in February , members in the California State Assembly introduced The California Food Safety Act, which proposed to ban the food additives brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, red dye No. 3, and TiO2 starting in . However, by the time the act was signed into law in October , TiO2 was dropped from the list.

In March , members in the New York State Senate introduced a bill that would ban the same five food additives, although its directive would take effect starting in . The legislature is expected to vote on the bill soon.

Meanwhile, members in the Illinois State Senate introduced a bill in November that would ban the four food additives outlawed in California, with a start date of . However, Illinois lawmakers say they plan to add TiO2 to the list during discussion on the bill.

These laws are being met with hostility by some food groups, such as the National Confectioners Association (NCA). When California passed its new food safety law, the NCA issued a statement saying the law initiates &#;a slippery slope&#; that may lead to &#;a massive patchwork of requirements for U.S. food manufacturers.&#;

&#;&#;the FDA could prevent [such inconsistency] by engaging on this important topic,&#; the NCA letter states.

In November , the FDA took a small step in this direction when it proposed to revoke the regulation authorizing the use of brominated vegetable oil, one of the food additives listed in the California, New York, and Illinois laws. Additionally, in that same announcement, the FDA stated it is reviewing the regulations concerning red dye No. 3, another one of the food additives focused on in the state laws.

Yet there remain many food additives that have not been reviewed by the FDA in decades, despite being banned in Europe.

To try and address this oversight, U.S. Representative Janice Schakowsky (D&#;IL 9th District) has twice introduced the Food Chemical Reassessment Act in and , which would create an Office of Food Safety Reassessment at the FDA to ensure more consistent and thorough reviews of food additives.

Learn more about Schakowsky&#;s proposed legislation in the video below, which features her interview with CBS Evening News in February .

Credit: RepSchakowsky, YouTube

What is titanium dioxide?

Titanium dioxide is a food additive that can be found in over 3,000 different products in EWG&#;s Food Scores database.

Most commonly used in candy, it can also be found in salad dressings, chewing gum, ice cream, frozen pizzas, drink and jello mixes and many other food categories. Titanium dioxide creates a smooth finish and adds shine and brightness to other colors. 

This food chemical has been used in food for more than half a century, but recent studies show it may be harmful. 

Health effects

For years scientists have raised concerns about the potential toxicity of titanium dioxide. 

In , the European Food Safety Authority, or EFSA, assessed titanium dioxide and determined that the evidence available at the time didn&#;t conclusively point to any health problems for consumers. 

But in , EFSA reevaluated titanium dioxide to consider the impacts of its nanoparticle. After considering more studies, EFSA concluded that nanoparticle-size titanium dioxide can accumulate in the body, break DNA strands and cause chromosomal damage.

European food safety regulators have since labeled titanium dioxide as no longer safe for human consumption, due to its potential toxicity. 

Animal studies show exposure to titanium dioxide is linked to immunotoxicity, inflammation and neurotoxicity. 

A European ban of titanium dioxide in food took effect in , but it is still legal for use in food in the U.S.

Regulatory action

Titanium dioxide remains in many food products in this country because of regulatory folly by the Food and Drug Administration, which allows problematic food ingredients to remain undetected and unreviewed.

The FDA is reviewing the safety of titanium dioxide in response to an April petition from EWG and other environmental and public health groups. This is the FDA&#;s first comprehensive review of titanium dioxide since .

Earlier this year, a bill was introduced in the California legislature to ban the manufacture, sale and distribution of foods in the state containing titanium dioxide, along with four other harmful food chemicals. 

A.B. 418, authored by Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-San Fernando Valley), will soon receive its final votes in the state legislature. If the bill is signed into law, the Golden State would be the first in the nation to ban these toxic chemicals from bread, salad dressings, frozen pizzas and other popular food items.

Avoiding exposure

For those wishing to limit or avoid exposure to titanium dioxide in foods, there are some steps you can take. 

  • Check food product labels and avoid those with titanium dioxide. Food companies must list titanium dioxide on packaged food ingredient labels. In some instances, it may simply be listed as &#;artificial color&#; or &#;color added.&#;

  • Consult EWG&#;s

    Food Scores

    For more information, please visit Chuangge.

    database to find products without titanium dioxide. When you&#;re on the go, use our

    Healthy Living app

    to find products without toxic chemicals.

  • Choose packaged foods that are certified organic, whenever possible. These products must meet strong standards that protect consumers from exposure to potentially harmful additives. Certified organic foods cannot contain artificial colors such as titanium dioxide.

  • Avoid ultra-processed foods whenever possible. Many contain

    concerning ingredients

    in addition to titanium dioxide. 

Titanium dioxide in sunscreen

Sunscreens made with mineral active ingredients, like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, generally score well in EWG&#;s Guide to Sunscreens. They provide strong sun protection with few health concerns and don&#;t easily break down in the sun. 

They are the only two sunscreen ingredients classified by the FDA as safe and effective. And though titanium dioxide is usually used in mineral sunscreens in the form of nanoparticles, evidence suggests that few, if any, particles penetrate the skin.

But a chemical&#;s safety when it&#;s used externally is not always the same as when it&#;s ingested. Different uses of the same ingredient may cause very different health outcomes.

For more Titanium Dioxide R-668information, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.