Pros & Cons: Rubber Tiles for Playground Surfacing

29 Apr.,2024


Pros & Cons: Rubber Tiles for Playground Surfacing

So you’ve got a playground in mind, but you’re trying to figure out what surfacing material will work best. You’re considering the basics: cost, aesthetics, safety, maintenance, etc. You’ve discovered prefabricated rubber tiles for playgrounds, a great solution, especially for small and hard-to-reach areas. While we tend to recommend poured-in-place rubber as the top choice, safety surface tiles for playgrounds are another great option, especially for rooftop playgrounds.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

Let’s get your questions answered!


Safety of Rubber Tiles for Playgrounds


The safety aspects of rubber tiles are what makes them a popular choice. When installed properly, they are:

  • Shock-absorbent. American Standard Testing Methods (ASTM), the institution that sets industry safety standards, ensures the tiles we use are safe for falls from 6 feet (for 2.5-inch rubber tiles) up to 8 feet (for 4.25-inch tiles).
  • ADA compliant. This means they’re wheelchair-accessible, and safe for kids with physical disabilities and limitations to play on. So if you’re looking to create an inclusive playground that all kids can enjoy, this is one of your best options.
  • Ideal for those with chemical sensitivities. Parents and administrators don’t have to worry about rubber tiling causing a reaction in those with skin sensitivities and allergies. The products we use at adventureTURF use only premium rubber made from natural materials, plus EPDM rubber (which helps the surface resist cracks due to severe temperatures and weather), and SBR rubber (which helps the surface stay flat and supple). These materials are free of metal, wood, harsh chemicals, and other irritating compounds.
  • Less falls. One of the big reasons we suggest rubber tiling for areas that will be in use while wet — for example, a pool deck or a playground after a rain shower — is because of its non-slip qualities. Due to the nature of rubber tiling’s porous surface, it remains a non-slip surface even when saturated with moisture.


  • If not installed properly, the grooves/edges of the tiles could creating a tripping hazard.

Cost of Rubber Tiles as Playground Flooring


  • The low maintenance costs of rubber playground tiles are one of their best assets. It’s easy to complete one-off repairs of tiles that are damaged — and it’s tough to damage them in the first place. Rubber tiling is durable, easy to clean, and will last for years before any type of maintenance is required, making it a budget-friendly option for your project.
  • The price of installing rubber tiles for playground surfacing varies based on factors like the size of the playground surface, if it’s a rooftop installation or ground-level installation, and how much surface preparation is needed. Contact us for a custom quote for your specific playground.


  • The up-front cost is higher than cheaper options such as pea gravel, sand, and wood chips. Keep in mind that quality and cost can go hand-in-hand.

Quality of Rubber Mats on Playgrounds


  • The tiles interlock to create smooth seams that won’t trip seniors or sprinting kids.
  • They’re great for indoor playgrounds and recreation areas, because the materials are easily transported and installed. Plus, they don’t create an overwhelming chemical odor.
  • They come in a wide variety of colors, allowing you to get creative.
  • Rooftop playgrounds are another good place for rubber tiles to be installed.


  • Rubber tiles don’t last forever (as does any playground flooring material). You can expect to need to start swapping out older tiles for newer ones after about a decade, in order to ensure they are providing proper shock absorbency.

The rubber playground tiles we use at adventureTURF measure 24×24 inches (which can be trimmed to fit into your space’s nooks and crannies) and come in two thicknesses: 2.5-inch and 4.25-inch. They’re available in a wide variety of colors, and can even be made into customized designs and patterns. Check out this rooftop playground surfacing installation in Queens, New York City to see an example.


Installation of Rubber Mats for Playgrounds


  • Installation is very simple compared to many other options. For example, adventureTURF was able to establish a partnership with a construction equipment company to lift pallets of the rubber surface tiles and other materials up to the rooftop of a childcare center in Brooklyn, New York City. You can see an in-depth description and photos of the project here.
  • Rubber safety tiles can be installed in any pattern, so you can get creative — making them perfect for recreational, playground, and safety surfaces.


  • Installation should be done by a professional who has the right tools and experience.

Next Steps

As for any big decision, you’re going to want to compare options and dive into the details in order to make a final selection. You can read more about all of the rubber playground flooring options from adventureTURF and read our responses to FAQs listed below. We’ve also created a project gallery where you can browse some of the awesome designs we’ve completed across the country.

You probably still have questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact adventureTURF for answers! And, if you’re ready to take the next steps, reach out to us to request a free quote. We’d love to help you design the best, safest playground surface possible!

With so many different qualities and characteristics to consider, choosing a playground surface can be bewildering. That’s why we’ve created an ultimate guide of all the pros and cons of 11 of the most popular playground surfaces, from wood chips to recycled rubber mulch.


 We service the entire USAContact us for more information or get a free quote.

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Grounding Mats Vs. Grounding Bedsheets

A big debate is going on over what is better, grounding sheets or grounding mats. Both are fine, and what I can share about each method is only based on my personal experience. Grounding throws, plush pads and bands each provide an experience different from sheets and mats, but your body weight is used to improve optimal conductivity, and sleeping with a band attached to you is onerous. This narrows the debate down to mats versus bedsheets. Whether you're on #TeamDurability or you're cheering for #TeamComfort, grounding is the most beneficial lifestyle choice ever, and you should tell all of your loved ones about it.

Grounding Mats - #TeamDurability

Yes, these rubber/leather pseudo mats work, are indeed extremely durable, and they are more affordable than the sheets, but I find them great for my desk or other areas, and not my bed. My sleeping experience with them was uncomfortable. If you sleep on top of it, your skin winds up sticking to it. If you attempt to avoid that by placing it under your sheet, it feels as if you're sleeping on top of a cardboard box. While the mat is an excellent choice for grounding at your desk, workplace, or various areas around the home, the overall feeling of sleeping with the mat is uncomfortable and unnatural.

XINXINGHUAGONG contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.

Pros: affordable, durable, use in multiple locations

Cons: bed discomfort

Grounding Sheets - #TeamComfort

The soft, fitted grounding sheets are truly comfortable. Period. They are also more expensive and they may not last a preferred length of time. How long they last really depends on how well you take care of it and yourself. They can last between 1-5 years, but it all depends on your level of cleanliness and personal hygiene. I understand why earthing launched the mats. This product is a business-savvy alternative for people whose lifestyle will not permit the time needed to care for the delicate earthing bedsheets. These sheets require additional care because the silver fibers are sensitive. If you don't change your bedsheets often or don't mind sleeping on your sheets often without first showering, then the mats may be a more cost-saving method of earthing. If you are willing to clean the sheets with just liquid soap and dry only on delicate, then this comfortable product seems the more suitable option.

Pros: comfort, full-body contact with the product

Cons: price, care, durability


People who are practical and careful with spending are likely to choose the mats over the sheets. Those who are fussy sleepers, or just like the better things in life, are likely to purchase the sheets. I would also recommend purchasing a second sheet and a tester, to make sure that they are still in working condition after some time. As well, after a few washes, you can use them under your regular fitted sheet to extend its life.

This is all a matter of personal preference, but my view is that the level of sleeping discomfort with the mat is outweighed by the comfort offered with the sheets. I do not like the feel of sleeping on a cardboard box. If the average night's sleep is eight hours (ie. one-third of a day), one sleeps for one-third of one's life. If you live, say, 75 years, that's 25 years asleep, or 9,125 days. That is a lot of sleep to compromise by sleeping uncomfortably.

Whether you are seasoned in the world of earthing and grounding, or someone who is just getting started, its benefits vary from person to person. Here, Dr. Laura Koniver's insightful video sheds some light on this topic:

Whether you've chosen mats or sheets, I try my best to have a selection of great quality and most durable sheets that are out there in the market. When I first discovered grounding, I ordered a bunch of options from Amazon. Due to health concerns going on with my closest family members, I just wanted to start at that moment and Amazon was the only one that delivered the fastest. Within a week, I started grounding. It wasn't until a month later that my multimeter and earthing tester arrived when I discovered that half of the products didn't entirely work. They did not ground. The mats and sheets were conductive around the connector area, but not through the remaining surface. Yes, I ordered a few since I figured I'd return it if I didn't like it, or just give it to people I love. I also wanted to see which one arrived faster. I just couldn't wait.

Grounding Success & Community

Besides the trial of finding the most reliable supplier, I also encountered difficulty with people using faulty products. As I have found with these products, some individual buyers also found that they didn't feel much of a difference between grounding sheets and regular ones. I wondered how many of those people had the "placebo/pretend" grounding products and were turned off of earthing and grounding altogether. It is a shame, but this is a reality in this market segment. I am not going to mention products or brands by name because they could have just been faulty products. This is why I test all of the products myself and return the lesser quality ones. I originally created the website for my friends and loved ones, but quickly started receiving orders from people I didn't know.

Even with the people I know, I have found that some didn't ground as well as others, so I started doing a little more research. Dr. Laura Koniver explains it best it here:

People are all different. For my mom's best friend, who passed away earlier this year from cancer, grounding her was just too late. May she rest in peace. In fact, when I used the earthing tester on her, the green light would take a millisecond or two before it went on, as opposed to it being instant. It made me think, but she was also taking a ton of painkillers at that time, and before she passed, the grounding actually cut her intake of painkillers in half. So it did help, but just not in time.

Anyhow, I apologize for my digression, but I felt inspired to contribute to our community by sharing a personal anecdote. Like I said, washing the sheets, and keeping them working, is not a big problem for me. I own two sheets so that I can rotate them, and I have started to use them under my own fitted sheets. You can say I am #TeamComfort. What are you?

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the wonderful people out there for their guidance and information. Grounding should be available to everyone. Governments should issue a mat and sheet to every citizen. I hypothesize that health care costs would drop over the years.

Happy grounding!

With love,

Rod Alexander

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Ground Mats.