Composting is the process of breaking down food waste material that would normally be thrown in the garbage and turning it into fertilizer for gardening. Traditional composting occurs as food and other natural materials break down, usually over a period of several months to a year.
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Kitchen composters differ from traditional composters in that they have sealed environments and filters that suppress odors from the compost production process. Additionally, instead of breaking down naturally over a long period of time, the Revive kitchen composter uses heat and cutting blades to dry out food waste and grind them into powder.
The end result is turning your large volume of wet, smelly food waste into a smaller volume of dry, odorless powder that is great for fertilizing your plants. It's like putting the natural decomposition process on turbo mode!
Your Revive kitchen composter will produce a fine, dry, brown, odorless powder after running a complete 4-hour cycle. This dry powder will be very similar to compost, with the main difference being that the heating and drying process kills off most of the bacteria that are present in traditional compost. This powder can be used to top-dress plants as a fertilizer, but to get 'traditional compost' you will want to add a liquid compost starter or add it to a large outdoor compost pile.
What Are SHARKSDEN' Tri-Blades?
SHARKSDEN' tri-blade is the trademark name for a type of blade used in various applications such as electric food processors, rotary cutting machines, power tools, grinding machines, feed grinding machines, knife grinding machines, and power saw blades.
Constructed from durable cast aluminum material, the SHARKSDEN blades will last for years to come and are very resistant to corrosion, snapping, or chipping.
Based on the name, you might have guessed that the SHARKSDEN Tri-Blade has three cutting blades, which enhances cutting efficiency and performance compared to blades in a cross or star type of pattern. The two butterfly-cutting blades maximize the contact area with the food and also take care of the top of the food pile. The blades are called SHARKSDEN because they are able to rip and tear through food waste just like a set of shark's teeth in the ocean!
Product Highlights
Overall, the SHARKSDEN Tri-Blade is a specialized blade designed for efficient and precise cutting to break food waste down evenly. The food scraps are dried and turned into a fertilizer that you can use to increase the amount of organic material in your garden leading to healthier soil and more vibrant plant growth.
You can use the finished product directly in your garden by placing it on top of the soil near your plants and gently raking it in. The end product will not be quite as potent as traditional compost from a compost pile. However, it is far better than adding chemical fertilizers and will still add organic materials to your soil.
The Revive kitchen composter uses less than 1 kWh of electricity per running cycle, which uses far less carbon than the food waste would otherwise produce in a landfill by releasing methane' not to mention the decreased frequency of replacing your trash bag. Let's go into more detail!
For example, let's say your electric cost is $0.13 per 1 KW of power used. Revive's power usage is rated at 1.6 KWh per cycle. That is $0.21 per cycle.
Assuming you run the Revive for 10 cycles per month that would be about $2.10 per month in electricity costs, or *$25 per year.
*Estimated energy cost based on a national average electricity cost of 13 cents per KWh and a full 10-cup bin processed 10 times monthly. This stat is only for reference. Your actual costs may differ based on your utility cost, how full the bin is, and how frequently you run the kitchen composter.
You can add the following things to your Revive kitchen composter:
Types of food waste
Vegetable peel (soft)
Banana, citrus, potato
Fish/shellfish/poultry skin
Dairy products
Fish bone
Coffee grounds/coffee filter bag/tea bag
Weeds/withered vegetables
Shredded Paper
The following things should be added only in small quantities:
Types of food waste
Soft bones
Meat scraps
Nuts and seeds
Peanuts, seeds
Rice, bread, pasta etc.
Whole fruit/sugar-rich fruit
Jam/Seasoning Dressing/Salad Dressing
Peanut Butter
Types of food waste
Anhui Tian jian are exported all over the world and different industries with quality first. Our belief is to provide our customers with more and better high value-added products. Let's create a better future together.
Big bones
Cow, pig, sheep
Cooking oil/soy sauce paste
Candy/chewing gum
Large-grained pits
Peach pits, etc.
Coffee capsules
Decomposable tableware
Pineapple head
Absolutely not. You should dispose of pet waste in the garbage, by burning it, or whatever other method your local municipality requires or recommends.
There is no minimum amount, but there is a max fill line on the bucket indicating the maximum capacity. A smaller amount of waste in a cycle will finish faster than a full bucket. Overfilling the bin will lead to a much longer run time and an inconsistent and incomplete finished product.
No, you cannot add food waste when the food composter is running. Just save those scraps for the next cycle in a few hours.
One cycle of the kitchen composter will take approximately 2-7 hours depending on how full the bin is and how long it takes to dry out the food waste and scraps. The composter will automatically power off once the cycle is complete. Do not open the composter during this time.
We don't recommend storing scraps in the kitchen composter or its container for long periods of time as it will affect the filter and may lead to mold growth.
If you want to store scraps for future use, you can put them in the fridge (for a few days) or in the freezer and let them thaw out at room temperature before processing. If putting the food waste scraps in the freezer you may have to drain off some of the liquid after thawing before you put it into the food composter.
Unplug the machine, open the lid, then place the blades and food bin directly into your dishwasher or wash with hot, soapy water. The main body of the unit can be wiped off with a soft cloth.
The Revive kitchen composter should be cleaned regularly when you start to notice any buildup on the moving parts or bin.
The filter should be replaced every 90 days or whenever you start to notice odors coming from the composter.
No, it is a standard charcoal filter so there are no sensors that will force or remind you to replace the filter after a certain time. You will know when it's time to replace the charcoal filter when you start to notice an odor from the food composter.
If you don't see an answer to your question or if you need technical support with your food composter, please call us at 1-725-333- or us at .
What is organic waste/ wet garbage?
Items that come from nature and decompose are wet garbage. Example ' Kitchen waste, garden waste.
What is organic waste converter?
An organic waste converter is a machine used for the treatment and recycling of organic waste or wet garbage. A converter is a self-contained system capable of performing micro-organism based composting in controlled conditions. This technology has found applications in diverse waste-producing industrial segments. Hospitals, clinics, municipal waste facilities, farms, slaughterhouses, supermarkets, ports, sea vessels and airports are the primary beneficiaries of on-site waste conversion.
Organic Waste Converter Technology is an environmentally friendly alternative to other traditional means of waste disposal that includes incineration, plasma arc and landfill dumping. Organic Waste Converter results in a small carbon footprint, thus avoiding polluting emissions into the atmosphere and resulting in a usable end product such as biofuel, soil compost or building material.
Why is food waste a problem?
Food waste landfills are one of the largest man-made sources of methane and H2S (a strong greenhouse gas). Once thrown into a landfill, food waste does not decompose and instead, adds to the toxic soup in the landfill.
Our food waste contains a huge amount of valuable nutrients that should be returned to the soil as compost, which enriches it and helps to grow more food. It is such a natural simple cycle which our 'developed' world has lost sight of. TOGO Composter Machine is an ideal solution as it allows us to keep value in our own food 'waste'.
Laziness and convenience have encouraged people to see leftover food as 'waste' but we need to change this view. Composting needs to become the norm for all our society's food waste.
What are turning units of composting and how do they work?
Turning units are systems designed to be turned or aerated. These units work faster than holding units because aerobic bacteria are provided with the oxygen they need to break down materials. There are two general forms of turning units: either a series of bins, a rotating barrel or rolling ball. When organic materials are turned and mixed on a regular basis (every five to ten days), compost can be made in two months or less (assuming a good carbon/nitrogen mix and proper moisture content). Frequent turning offers important advantages in addition to faster composting. Higher temperatures produced as a result of turning (90° ' 140° F) will kill major disease organisms and fly larvae, help kill weed seeds and provide a good environment for the most effective decomposer organisms.
Turning systems typically cost more than holding units and require greater effort to build. Turning composting materials in multiple bins and rolling balls may be difficult for people with back problems or limited physical strength. In contrast, some barrel units are designed for ease of turning and maintenance. These systems may actually be easier to use than holding units for older or physically challenged composters. Barrel units tend to have smaller capacities than most other bins, which make them better suited for people with small amounts of yard trimmings and food scraps.
Materials need to be carefully prepared and added to turning units in stockpiled batches. Materials should be saved until there is enough to fill one bin of a multiple units or to fill a barrel unit to the prescribed level. Food wastes can be accumulated in a pest-proof container such as a plastic five gallon bucket. If necessary, sawdust can be added to the top of each day's scraps to reduce odour.
What happens if some non-biodegradable like plastic bags etc enter the machine?
Biological processes in the machine are not affected by small quantities of non-biodegradable material. However, these materials occupy valuable space in the machine and should be avoided. These materials may be removed from the machine through observation windows, wherever provided. Otherwise they come out along with the compost from outlet of the machine.
What happens if the machine is loaded with excess material?
TOGO Composter is designed to handle 20% excess material. However, if more organic waste is loaded, output compost will not be fully cured. Also, there are chances of foul smell.
Can the output be used immediately?
The output can be used immediately. However, a further curing period ranging from 2 to 4 weeks is recommended.
Is installation of shredder compulsory?
No, Shredder helps to reduce the size of organic waste and hasten biological process. Large chunks of the organic waste take time for decomposition and may come out as it is from the outlet of the machine, in the absence of a shredder. Then, they will have to be fed again.
How can I make organic compost by bio-degradable waste?
You should go for organic waste composting machine instead of traditional composting techniques. This is the best option for organic composting of bio-degradable waste in your premises. Basic working principle of this machine is that it is an aerobic decomposing process (no odour, no pathogenic activity) occurring in a chamber. The output that we get is nothing but manure, which can be used as fertilizer for gardening.
What is the best way to oxidise organic waste?
Aerobic decomposting process is the best solution for oxidised organic waste. These aerobic microorganisms use the oxygen present and lose hydrogen. All oxidising reactions are exothermic, so we can use thermophilic bacteria (eg. Bacillus species) in a closed vessel with blower. This will mature organic waste to oxidise.
For more information, please visit Fully Automatic Food Waste Composting Machine.