Frequently Asked Questions about Ultrasonic Cavitation

09 Dec.,2024


Frequently Asked Questions about Ultrasonic Cavitation

Looking for Ultrasonic Cavitation in San Diego?  Here are some frequently asked questions about this often-asked procedure:

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How does Ultrasonic Cavitation work?

Cavitation is the use of low-frequency ultrasounds to penetrate the skin and cause fat cells to breakdown. The fat cells cannot withstand the pressure of these vibrations, causing the cells to implode into a liquid form and pass through the body.

Where do the fat cells go?

Your body absorbs the fact and it passes through the liver and comes out as waste. The fat cells are broken down but the cells have the capacity to grow again with a high calorie diet. Thus, it is recommended to pair the treatment with one of Executive Medical's weight loss programs.

Where are the best parts of the body to use Ultrasonic Cavitation on?

Cavitation is best used on areas of localized fat. This includes areas such as the upper arm, thighs, abdomen, hips, and buttocks. It cannot be applied to bony areas such as the head or neck.

Can I lose weight with Ultrasound Cavitation?

Ultrasonic Cavitation is not a method of weight loss. It is designed to reshape the body and remove localized fat or cellulite. It is not a replacement for weight loss programs or regular exercise.

How many treatments can I have?

We recommend having at least six cavitation sessions. Treatments must be done at least 72 hours apart to ensure that the cells do not reabsorb the fat.

How long is treatment?

The service is tailored to the individual. Generally however, most treatments are between 45 minutes to 75 minutes long. Multiple areas of the body can be treated during one session.

How long until I see results?

Most people will have a noticeable reduction in their measurements after the very first treatment! The fat removal process continues for up to one week following treatment, so it may decrease further a few days afterwards. Note that results may vary due to differences in metabolisms.

Is the procedure painful?

You may feel a slight heat sensation or tingling, but otherwise the treatment is painless.

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Is the procedure safe?

Yes! Ultrasonic Cavitation is FDA approved.

Does the treatment require time off afterwards?

No! You can go right back into your daily routine. We do recommend that you increase your water intake to two liters (about six or eight cups) of water a day to help with fat removal.

Are there any side effects?

Target areas may experience a little redness.

Is there an age limit?

Yes, you have to be 18 or older to try Ultrasonic Cavitation.

Who is the ideal candidate for Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Patient should generally be fit and healthy and be within 10-15% of their ideal weight.

Is Ultrasonic Cavitation for everyone?

There are contraindications for using cavitation devices for treatment of localized fat. Ultrasonic Cavitation is not for people with heart disease, kidney failure, or liver failure. It is not for those who are pregnant, and you must wait a minimum of three months after childbirth, or at least six months after C section. Getting GP approval is recommended post childbirth if you would like to try Ultrasonic Cavitation.

Still have questions? Get your questions answered by booking an Ultrasonic Cavitation consult at our San Marcos, California office.


Ultrasonic Cavitation San Marcos Murrieta Med Spa

What to Know About Ultrasonic Cavitation

Ultrasonic or ultrasound cavitation is the use of ultrasound technology to break down fat cells below the skin. It is a non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat. 

This procedure involves applying pressure on fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations. The pressure is high enough to make the fat cells break down into a liquid form. The body can then get rid of it as waste through your urine.

The broken-down fat cells go from the body to the liver where they are excreted as waste. This method of treatment is used along with other weight loss programs to help with getting rid of excessive fat. It is a preferred method to other invasive procedures of eliminating body fat. It is important to note that your weight could return if you consume a high- calorie diet.

The company is the world’s best body cavitation machine supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.