Unlocking the Value of Beef Box Programs & How to ...

07 Oct.,2024


Unlocking the Value of Beef Box Programs & How to ...

Nowadays there&#;s a subscription for everything from beauty products to misfit produce. No matter what you need, you can go online, find a specially curated box, and have it shipped to your front door.

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Beef box programs follow a similar format.

What is a beef box program and why has it become so popular recently?

A beef box is a custom selection of raw or cured beef delivered to your house.

More and more people are choosing beef box programs over weekly supermarket runs. Besides the nutritional and financial benefits, beef boxes offer high-quality meat purchased with ease.

Beef box popularity can be accredited to several factors:

  1. The COVID-19 pandemic sparked a rise in subscription options. People turned to online providers and since then they haven&#;t looked back.
  2. Clean eating has become a priority in many households. With beef boxes, a person can know exactly what&#;s in their meat, where it came from, and how it was processed.
  3. Grocery stores have limited stock. Beef boxes offer butcher-level variety at a great cost. Who wouldn&#;t want to bring the steakhouse to their backyard grill?

What are the primary benefits of subscribing to a beef box program?

Let&#;s face it. Grocery store meat is often suspicious at best. Beef box programs give you the power. No more wondering if your hamburger was dyed or where it was sourced. With a beef box program, you can learn everything about your meat.

Beef box benefits include:

  • Convenience. A box of high-quality beef shows up at your house. What&#;s easier than that?
  •  Nutrition. Red meat is a terrific source of protein, minerals, and vitamins, especially vitamins B12, iron, and zinc. With only 3.5oz of beef, you get 41.6% DV of zinc and 41.5% DV of Vitamin B12. Is beef a superfood? We sure think so!
  • Quality. Although beef is nutrient dense, the quality of the meat plays a significant role in its nutritional value. Beef boxes send you high-quality cuts, most of which you won&#;t find at your grocery store.
  •  Supporting US ranchers. Many beef box programs source their meat from American ranches and cattle farms. By purchasing beef boxes, you support US agriculture. From the pasture to the butcher to your table&#;that&#;s how we like it.
  • Competitive prices. Not only do beef boxes offer a range of high-quality cuts, but they do so at a competitive price. For example, you can buy the cheapest Filet Mignon at your supermarket for $20/lb. If you purchase a beef box, you can get a higher grade, ethically sourced, all-around-better version of the cut for around $18/lb.
  •  More options. Beef box programs offer unmatched variety! Whether you&#;re craving a Ribeye, New York, or Delmonico, beef boxes have you covered.
  • Ethical sourcing. Beef boxes provide transparency, highlighting where the beef came from and how it was raised and processed. You can feel good knowing your beef was sourced responsibly, without a negative impact on the environment.
  • Grading. When it comes to beef grading, there are three categories: Prime, Choice, and Select. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) considers the beef&#;s marbling, otherwise known as fat, and factors that impact flavor and juiciness to determine the beef&#;s grade. What&#;s important to note here is the value of USDA graded beef. Some grocery stores and companies grade meat themselves; some sell non-graded meat. Without a USDA grade, it&#;s difficult to know the quality of the meat and its value. Most beef box programs tell you the exact USDA grade.

How does a beef box program improve nutrition and understanding of food sourcing?

At some point, we&#;ve all visited our grocery store&#;s meat department and purchased beef packaged in Styrofoam and plastic wrap. Harmless, right?

Hold on to your hat. The following information may shock you.

Grocery store meat departments are breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria. The machinery, a deli slicer for example, isn&#;t always disinfected. And plastic-wrapped meats often contain pathogens like salmonella and E. coli, both easily transferred because of the flimsy packaging. Not only that, but expiration dates can&#;t be trusted. Most states don&#;t regulate labeling.

Here&#;s the real kicker: Many grocery stores will exchange the expiration date for a new label if the product still looks sellable. Fresh store-bought meat? What&#;s that?

Other disturbing facts . . .

  1. In , laws regarding Country of Origin Labeling were appealed. Now producers and retailers aren&#;t required to specify in which country the animal was raised, butchered, and processed. 
  2. Packaged ground beef sold in stores can be made from the meat of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of cows.
  3. According to a study, nearly 50% of raw meat sold in stores contains staph infection bacteria, including potentially lethal MRSA.
  4.  Specific cuts of store-bought meat are mechanically tenderized, which exposes the meat to bacteria.
  5. Raw meat sold in stores is often treated with carbon monoxide to give it a red color. (Red doesn&#;t indicate freshness.)
  6. Most store-bought meat is treated with antibiotics to strengthen factory-farmed animals&#; immune systems. When you eat it, you&#;re taking a bite of antibiotics too.

Beef box programs are a healthier alternative to grocery store meat. Not only do they give you more information about the beef, but they can guarantee freshness and sterile packaging.

Most beef box programs source their beef from American-owned farms and ranches. No more suspicious &#;hundred cows&#; ground beef. Also, many beef box programs highlight whether their beef is all-natural, pasture-raised, hormone-free, and so on.

You don&#;t have to eat mystery meat. Beef box programs offer a solution, providing quality beef with transparency. Now you can know everything about what&#;s sizzling on your grill.

What do consumers need to be aware of when it comes to mystery boxes in beef box programs?

Surprises are fun but not when it comes to your beef.

Nowadays mystery boxes are all the rage. People love the thrill of unboxing the unknown whether cosmetics or luxury brands. With food, especially meat, you&#;re better off avoiding surprises.

Beef box programs often provide quality cuts of beef at competitive prices. However, mystery beef boxes sometime include cheaper, lower grade cuts and non-beef fillers such as pork and chicken. To get the most value, choose a beef box with a listed inventory so you can gauge the box&#;s worth.

Why is transparency so crucial when it comes to the weight and contents of a beef box?

One word. Value. Knowing the weight and contents will help you decide which beef box program is the &#;best bang for your buck.&#;

For example, let&#;s say you purchase a beef box of an unspecified weight for around $200. You receive the box and learn it contains 10lbs of mostly ground beef, low-cost steaks, and fillers. The box&#;s true value doesn&#;t come close to $200. Now if you pay $200 for 10lbs of Filet Mignon, Ribeye, and New York, then you can say you&#;ve gotten a deal.

What's the difference between USDA graded and non-graded beef boxes?

USDA grading sets a standard and expectation. If a beef box isn&#;t graded, it&#;s nearly impossible for you to know the beef&#;s quality and marbling prior to purchase.

How does the grading of beef affect the quality and taste of the meat in a beef box?

The USDA has three grades of beef:

  1.  Prime. If the USDA grades beef as Prime, you can expect a restaurant-worthy cut that&#;s juicy and has generous marbling.
  2.  Choice. With less marbling than Prime, Choice Beef isn&#;t as juicy but is still high-quality, tasty, and tender.
  3. Select. The leanest cut, Select Beef has the least marbling which means it isn&#;t as juicy or tender and can lack flavor. This cut is best for marinating.

Understanding the USDA grades will allow you to choose a beef box program that suits your tastes.

Are there beef box programs that include fillers like pork and chicken, and why should consumers be aware of this?

In short, yes, there are many beef box programs that include fillers such as bacon and chicken tenders. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily, but it&#;s important to keep in mind when shopping for a beef box. Fillers are cheaper to produce, so if you purchase a beef box with non-beef items, you may not get your money&#;s worth.

How can consumers ensure they are getting the best value from their beef box program?

When choosing a beef box program, consider the following:

  • What is included within the beef box?
  • Is the beef box USDA graded? If so, which grade?
  • How much does the beef box weigh? What is the cost per lb.?
  • From where was the beef sourced? How was it raised?
  • Does the beef box align with your values and needs&#;i.e., is the beef all-natural, hormone-free, pasture-fed?

Using these questions as a checklist will ensure you get the best value from a beef box program. If you're in the market for a beef box delivery service, we've got you covered. We have 21-day dry aged premium beef boxes guaranteed to make your neighbors jealous. Browse our beef boxes:

How to Make Butcher Box Worth the Cost

Is Butcher Box worth the cost? Yes! Just pick your plan, then be intentional with the way you use your meats. Here are 6 ways we make Butcher Box prices affordable, so we can save money!

Have you ever been reluctant to try something, but then ended up loving it? That&#;s how I feel about Butcher Box.

I hemmed and hawed on trying their service for MONTHS. When I finally did, I actually loved having high-quality meat delivered to my door!

I shared my honest review on Butcher Box, after being a customer myself for several months.

Butcher Box definitely saves me time. What may be a secret though, is how I make Butcher Box prices work for my family budget. I get emails asking me this all the time, so I thought now would be a good time to let the cat out of the bag! Here&#;s how to make Butcher Box worth the cost.



Several years ago when we were actively reducing our grocery budget, we couldn&#;t afford a lot of meat. That&#;s just the way it was. Fast forward and there was a time when we were eating Whole30, which requires a lot of produce AND a lot of meat. (By the way, Butcher Box meats are all Whole 30 compliant, if that&#;s something you&#;re looking for.)

We came to two conclusions:

  • We wanted to eat more plants and fewer animals.
  • The animals we did eat, we wanted them to be either grass-fed or pastured.

Fortunately, these two go hand in hand &#; eating less meat means being able to afford better quality.

Keep in mind that this is how MY FAMILY has chosen to eat. You should do what&#;s best for you and your family and priorities.


Being intentional with the cuts I put in my &#;custom&#; box means being able to save BIG TIME. Let me explain.

Tongqi are exported all over the world and different industries with quality first. Our belief is to provide our customers with more and better high value-added products. Let's create a better future together.

All cuts at Butcher Box have a value of &#;one&#; and you choose six cuts for a &#;classic&#; sized box. Here are some examples of what &#;one cut&#; looks like, just to give you an idea:

  • 12 oz package of sugar-free and Whole30 compliant bacon
  • 2 lbs of ground pork
  • 5.5 lbs bone-in pork butt
  • 3 lbs of boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • 3 lbs chicken drumsticks
  • 3.5 &#; 4.5 lb whole chicken
  • 2 lbs ground beef
  • 10 oz ribeyes
  • 2.25 lbs chuck roast

I have one goal when I log in to change my monthly order: get as many pounds of meat as I possibly can so I can make my Butcher Box subscription worth the cost. Here&#;s how I do that:

  • Choose a whole chicken instead of the chicken breasts.
  • Select the center-cut pork loin instead of the pork chops.
  • Choose the chuck roast instead of the premium steak tips.

Let me give you an example. A classic box (6 units) of organic chicken breasts (about 3 lbs per unit) would be $169 / 6 / 3 = $9.39/lb. 

A big box (12 units) comes out to $8.50/lb.

You can then take that price and compare it to local prices for the SAME quality meat. Personally, I&#;ve found high-quality chicken locally for better, but not beef or pork.

Bear in mind, this isn&#;t exactly what I order every month. It&#;s more of my methodology: Choose big roasts or whole pieces instead of individual cuts. For instance, sirloin tips are 1 lb (one unit) while brisket is 2.75 lbs (also one unit).

  • If I do the work myself, I can order 20+ pounds of grass-fed and pastured meat, delivered to my front door for about $10 per pound. It also means I can make the one box last us all month long.
  • Note: Doing the work myself is one of the key points I teach in my course Grocery Budget Bootcamp. If I choose to let Butcher Box do the work, I can order as little as 6 pounds of meat and pay close to $15 per pound. Enrollment is currently closed, but you can join my FREE 5-day Crush Inflation Challenge and start saving money on groceries tomorrow!


I bought my subscription when Butcher Box was offering free 2 lbs of ground beef with every box for the life of the subscription.

Not only is that free ground beef (which is a no-brainer), but it&#;s also meat that I don&#;t have to add to my box or that I&#;d have to buy at the store&#; every single month.

I&#;ve seen several Butcher Box promotions come through my inbox, but I chose the free ground beef promotion because&#;

  • It&#;s one of the most versatile meats we cook with &#; there are TONS of ways to use it!!
  • My kids and I really enjoy ground beef!
  • It comes EVERY month, not just the first month.
  • I can stretch two pounds of ground beef into SEVEN different meals! (Here&#;s a meal plan on stretching two pounds of ground beef over one week!)


This used to be a monthly thing, but Butcher Box now has member-only specials that you can add to your order.

These might not be a good deal if you have access to a local butcher shop or find a great deal on grass-fed beef or pastured chicken, but for those who want to eat better meat and can&#;t find it locally, this is a great option!


To make it worth the cost, I make sure that I waste absolutely NOTHING from my monthly Butcher Box subscription.

  • I save ALL the chicken bones for Homemade Stock.
  • Leftover meat gets reused for dishes like Pork and Potato Soup, or Southwest Chicken Salad, or I freeze it for a future meal.
  • I save bacon grease to cook with.
  • I render beef fat into tallow and cook with that too.


And I can do all of this without my family feeling like we&#;ve been deprived.

Here&#;s the kicker though &#; add up all those days and you have 24 meals out of just 3 &#;cuts&#; from Butcher Box. That&#;s nearly a whole month of meals with only HALF of a Classic Custom box. You still have 3 other &#;cuts&#; left!

Bonus idea: Don&#;t buy the cuts you can get locally. If you have a local farm that sells organic chicken at an amazing price, buy local. Just use Butcher Box for grass-fed beef and pastured pork! This way you are buying what you need at the quality you want for the best possible price.

If you&#;ve been wanting to try Butcher Box and you&#;ve been holding out, here&#;s your chance.

Exclusive for Crumbs Readers

The search for high-quality meat ends here. Amazing taste. Humanely raised and delivered to your door. Sign up today! Click this link to claim the current offer!


What is Butcher Box?

Simply said, Butcher Box is a meat delivery subscription. They specialize in high quality meat:

1. 100% Grass-fed and Grass-finished Beef. The cattle are humanely raised, live their entire life on pasture, and are never given antibiotics or hormones. They eat a natural diet of grass and they may be given silage or hay if the weather prevents them from grazing.

2. Free-Range Organic Chicken. The free-range chicken spend most of their lives foraging in the field with plenty of room to move around and interact with other chickens. Thanks to all this exercise, these birds will naturally be leaner than conventional chicken.

3. Heritage Breed Pork. The humanely raised pork that Butcher Box sources has been specifically chosen for its rich color and marbled texture. There is no tail docking and the animals are either on pasture or raised in open barns with bedding and space to engage in natural behaviors as if they were outside.

4. Wild Caught Seafood. Their variety of wild-caught seafood is sustainably harvested with no additives or coloring added. Currently, they offer shrimp, scallops, salmon, and lobster.

I prefer mixed boxes where I select the cuts of meat I want. You can also choose a beef box, pork box, or chicken box if you just want one type of meat.

How much are Butcher Box prices?

I covered this pretty extensively in my honest review of Butcher Box, but here&#;s the summary.

Butcher Box prices vary depending on which box you choose: Classic and Big Box.

&#; The Classic Box is $149 and comes with 9-14lbs of meat. This comes out to an average of $10.64 to $16.55 per pound.
&#; The Big Box is $270 and comes with 18-26lbs of meat. This comes out to an average of $10.38 to $15 per pound. Right off the bat, the Big Box is the better deal.

You can choose to have a box delivered once a month, or every other month.

If you decide on the once-a-month option, you can &#;postpone&#; delivery one month if finances are tight, or if you aren&#;t ready for another delivery just yet.

Is Butcher Box worth the cost?

Yes! Use the same tips that I use, and you can actually save money! Butcher Box prices per box might sound like a lot but consider how much you CURRENTLY spend on meat. Have you ever sat down and tracked your meat expenses? You might be surprised!

Are Butcher Box prices cheaper than the grocery store?

If you compare the prices of grass-fed meat at local grocery stores, Butcher Box prices can actually save you money. Plus, the quality and convenience of Butcher Box meats beat out the grocery store grass-fed meat any day!

Are Butcher Box prices cheaper than Costco?

There are a lot of frugal real foods I like to buy at Costco, but meat isn&#;t high on that list. Generally, Costco has lower-quality meats than what we currently look for, so while the prices may be cheaper, it&#;s not quite an apples-to-apples comparison.

Can you get ButcherBox Meat without a subscription?

Butcher Box is a subscription-based meat delivery service, so no, you can&#;t order a box without a subscription. You CAN choose the frequency of your deliveries &#; either once a month or every other month. And you can postpone your delivery by a month if you aren&#;t ready for the next box. You can also cancel your meat subscriptions at any time.


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