What drill rig is most commonly used?

06 Aug.,2024



DRILLING AND DRILL RIGS - Onshore Operations

Once the well site has been selected and all of the legal documents obtained, drilling can only begin after the site has been prepared, ground leveled, roads built (such as in a swamp area) where needed, and a derrick erected and other equipment that comprises the drill rig put in place. Sometimes a water well must be drilled before the oil well can be drilled in order to obtain sufficient water for mixing drilling mud (lubricant).

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Most drill rigs are of the rotary rig type. Today's rotary drill rig consists of multiple engines (gas, diesel) that supply power, hoisting equipment that raises and lowers the drill string (drill pipe), and rotating equipment that turns the drill string and the drill bit at the bottom of the hole. These engines also drive the circulating equipment that pumps liquids (mud) down the hole to lubricate the drill string and drill bit (rotating in the hole), removes cuttings (loose bits of rock), and controls downhole pressure to prevent blowouts (pressure in reservoir traps may blow up the open hole and ignite causing an explosion).

The conventional drill bit has three movable cones containing teeth made of tungsten carbide steel and sometimes industrial diamonds. The rotating cones (Remember: the entire drill stem rotates in the hole and the drill bit is attached to the end of the drill stem) are the cutting heads. The downward force on the drill bit is the result of the weight of the overhead drill stem (steel pipe, pipe joints called collars) and drilling equipment on the derrick all of which can amount to thousands of pounds. While the bit cuts into the rock at the bottom of the hole, pumps located at the surface are forcing drilling fluids down the hole (lubricates, removes cuttings) through the inside of the drill pipe. This space between the drill pipe and the walls of the hole is called the annulus space. The fluid then flows out the center of the drill bit and is forced back up the outside of the drill pipe onto the surface of the ground where it is cleaned of debris and pumped back down the hole. This is an endless cycle that is maintained as long as the drill bit is turning in the bottom of the hole.

The drilling crew is under the supervision of the Driller (operates the drilling and hoisting equipment). The person who works on a platform high in the derrick is called a Derrickman; this very dangerous job is to handle the upper part of the drill stem as it is raised and lowered out/into the hole. Roughnecks are the workers on the drill floor; their job is to add new pipe joints as the well is drilled. All of these personnel and the entire operation of the drill rig is under the supervision of the Tool Pusher. A typical drill rig will operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. It never shuts down for holidays.

When drilling first began, drilling a straight vertical hole was the most desirable. Now days, however, new drilling technology has developed methodologies for directional drilling (deviating from the vertical at some angle) and horizontal drilling (starting with a vertical hole and then deviating at depth to a horizontal hole). A vertical well has the advantage of penetrating more than one reservoir trap, but the disadvantage is that it can pull hydrocarbons from only a small area within the vicinity of the well. Horizontal wells on the other hand, are much more limited in penetrating multiple reservoir traps, but can remove hydrocarbons from greater areas within a given trap. Almost all wells drilled from an offshore platform are of the directional type. Completing the bottom of the well so that it is ready to withdraw hydrocarbons from the subsurface is done in the same manner regardless of whether it is a convention vertical hole or a horizontal hole. This is because moving the platform to a new site is too costly.

A drilling operation produces waste material that includes drilling mud, rock cuttings, and salt water brine (highly concentrated salt water generally about 80,000 PPM Sodium) which flows out of a reservoir trap and up the well to the surface. These materials must be disposed of properly. The reserve pond is often dug to temporarily hold the brine and drilling mud, but environmental regulations require such ponds be lined with materials that will prevent the contaminants from entering into the subsurface. Often the brines are pumped back into the hole being drilled. In any event, neither the drill mud nor the salt water brine is allowed to remain at the drilling site. All waste materials must be removed off site and sent to a properly licensed landfill for disposal.

DRILLING AND DRILL RIGS - Offshore Operations

Much of the drilling methodologies discussed above apply whether the rig is located on dry land or in the water. But offshore operations do require some modification to both equipment and drilling techniques. For example, the drilling platform structure must be movable, be able to float in some instances, and be entirely self contained. All supplies and personnel must be brought to the site.

The first offshore exploration was in the Gulf of Mexico in the 's; it was a derrick built on a barge that was towed offshore behind a tug boat where it was submerged to rest on the sea floor. The first offshore platform was built in in water that was 23 feet deep. Offshore rigs have progressed a long way in 70 years, but all are either floaters or sinkers. Floaters refer to semi-submersibles and drill ships. They are used in deep water where it is not practical to anchor to the sea floor. Semi-submersibles may be self propelled, but all have a steel superstructure that is part above and part below water level. The semi has a deck that is mounted on large columns connected to pontoons that are able to raise the structure when it's being moved or lower it when it is drilling a hole. Ballast is added when stability is a required by adding water into the pontoons.

In water less than about 300 feet deep, exploration is performed using self-elevated, or jack-up rigs. The derrick and support equipment are built onto a large barge that is towed out to sea. When the exact location is reached, the barge is held in position while steel legs are lower (jacked down) to the sea floor. Then the barge portion of the rig is jacked up the steel legs so that the entire platform including the barge portion is now above the surface of the ocean.

The first offshore platform was built in in water that was 23 feet deep. But technology was evolving at a rapid pace. It was thought that platforms anchored to the sea floor in water >300 feet deep was impractical. But in today's world, it is now possible to construct offshore platforms taller than most of the world's skyscrapers and yet be anchored to the sea floor in more than 1,300 feet of water. This illustration graphically depicts the engineering advances that made possible from to .


HARBAUSG, J. W., J. H. DOVETON, and J. C. DAVIS, , Probability Methods in Oil Exploration: London, Wiley, 269 pp.

BERGER, W. D. AND K. E. ANDERSON, , Modern Petroleum - A Basic Primer of the Industry: Penn Well Publ. Co., 3rd Ed., 517 pp.

EXXON CORPORATION, , A Guide To Petroleum Exploration and Production: The Upstream Magazine, Dec , New York, NY, 29 pp.

____________, , Understanding Petroleum Exploration and Production: National Energy Foundation, Wiley Post Way, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, UT., 11 pp.

____________, , Basic Oil Information: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Obere Donaustrasse 93, A-, Vienna, Austria, 41 pp.

____________, , Oil: Shell Corporation, Houston, TX., 47 pp.

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What Types of Drilling Rigs Are There I Esimtech

Drilling rigs are essential tools used in the exploration, extraction, and construction industries. They are used to bore deep holes into the earth&#;s surface, allowing for the extraction of valuable resources such as oil and gas, minerals, and water. Drill rigs come in various shapes and sizes, each designed to meet specific drilling requirements. Understanding the different types of drill rigs and their capabilities is critical in selecting the appropriate equipment for a particular drilling project. In this article, we will explore the main types of drill rigs and their functions, providing a comprehensive guide to the world of drilling technology.

What is a Drilling Rig?

A drilling rig is a machine used to create holes or wells in the ground for various purposes, including exploration and extraction of natural resources such as oil, gas, and minerals, as well as for construction and geotechnical investigations. Drilling rigs are typically mounted on trucks, trailers, or skids and are equipped with various drilling tools such as drill bits, drill pipes, and drilling mud systems. The rigs can be powered by electricity, diesel engines, or hydraulic systems, and they come in various sizes and configurations to suit different drilling requirements. The drilling process involves rotating the drill bit to create a borehole, which is then cased and cemented to prevent collapse and contamination of the surrounding formation. Drilling rigs are critical tools in a wide range of industries and play a significant role in the global economy.

What is the Function of the Drilling Rig?

A drilling rig is a mechanical device that drives a drilling tool to drill underground to obtain physical geological data during the process of exploring or developing mineral resources.

The primary function of a drilling rig is to create holes or wells in the ground for various purposes. The main function of the drilling rig is to drive the drilling tool to break the rock at the bottom of the hole, and to lower or raise the drilling tool in the hole. It can be used to drill cores, ore cores, cuttings, gaseous samples, liquid samples, etc., to ascertain the conditions of underground geology and mineral resources. The specific function of a drilling rig depends on the type of drilling being performed, which can include:

  • Exploration drilling: Used to locate and evaluate subsurface resources such as oil, gas, and minerals.
  • Production drilling: Used to extract oil, gas, and minerals from the subsurface.
  • Geotechnical drilling: Used to obtain soil and rock samples for engineering and construction purposes.
  • Environmental drilling: Used to sample soil and groundwater for contamination and monitor groundwater levels.
  • Water well drilling: Used to create wells that provide a source of drinking water for households and businesses.
  • Construction drilling: Used to create holes for building foundations, bridges, and other structures.

In addition to creating holes, drilling rigs also play a crucial role in well completion and maintenance. They are used to install casing and tubing to prevent collapse and contamination of the wellbore, as well as to perform well intervention activities such as well stimulation and remediation. Overall, drilling rigs are essential tools that enable us to access and utilize the Earth&#;s subsurface resources.

What Are the Main Types of Drilling Rigs According To Classification Methods?

Drilling rigs come in various shapes, sizes, and configurations, and each is designed to perform a specific drilling task. In the world of drilling technology, understanding the different types of drilling rigs is crucial in selecting the appropriate equipment for a particular drilling project. Here we list the mains types of drilling rigs according to different classification methods:

Drilling equipment usually has the following types:

  • 1. Conventional land drilling rigs
  • 2. Desert Rig
  • 3. Vehicle-mounted drilling rig
  • 4. Coiled tubing machine
  • 5. Deviated Well Drilling Rig
  • 6. Offshore drilling platform
  • 7. Drillship

1. According to the drilling method

  • (1) Impact drilling rigs, such as wire rope impact drilling rigs, vibration drilling rigs, etc.
  • (2) Rotary drilling rigs, such as drilling rigs used in rotary table drilling.
  • (3) Downhole power drilling tools, such as turbo drilling tools, screw drilling tools, electric drilling tools, etc.

2. According to drilling and depth classification

  • (1) Ultra-deep well drilling rig. A drilling rig with a diameter of 114mm drill pipe, a nominal drilling depth of more than 7,000 meters and a maximum hook load of more than 4,500 kN is used.
  • (2) Deep well drilling rig. A drilling rig with a diameter of 114 mm drill pipe, a nominal drilling depth of - meters and a maximum hook load of - kN
  • (3) Medium and deep well drilling rigs. A drilling rig with a diameter of 114 mm drill pipe, a nominal drilling depth of - meters and a maximum hook load of 900- kN is used.

3. According to power equipment

  • (1) Diesel engine drives the drilling rig. A drilling rig powered by a diesel engine through mechanical transmission or hydraulic transmission.
  • (2) AC drive drilling rig. It is suitable for use in oil fields with industrial power grids.
  • (3) DC drive drilling rig. The working unit is driven by a DC motor.

4. According to the driving mode

  • (1) Drive alone. Each working machine is individually driven by generators of different sizes, which are mostly used for electric drive. The transmission is simple and the installation is easy, but the power utilization rate is low and the total mass of the equipment is large.
  • (2) Unified drive. The same power unit drives the three working groups of the drawworks, drilling pump, and turntable. This method is used by most rigs. Only one drilling pump can be included in the unified drive; the other drilling pump is operated separately. Although the unified drive drilling rig can be adjusted mutually when the engine fails and has a high power utilization rate, the transmission is difficult to install and modify, and its efficiency is low.
  • (3) Group drive. The combination of power is between independent drive and unified drive. The power utilization rate of this kind of drilling rig is higher than that of a single drive. It is also possible to install two groups of working machines on different heights and scattered sites.

What Drill Rig is Most Commonly Used?

The type of drilling rig that is most commonly used depends on the specific application and geological conditions of the drilling project. However, one of the most commonly used types of drilling rigs is the rotary drilling rig, also known as a conventional drilling rig.

Rotary drilling rigs are versatile machines that can be used for a variety of drilling applications, including oil and gas exploration and production, geothermal drilling, and water well drilling. They are typically mounted on trucks or trailers and are powered by diesel engines. Rotary drilling rigs use a rotary bit to drill into the earth&#;s surface, and drilling mud is circulated through the drill string to cool and lubricate the bit, as well as to carry the cuttings to the surface.

While rotary drilling rigs are commonly used, other types of drilling rigs are also used depending on the specific drilling project&#;s requirements, such as cable tool drilling rigs, top drive drilling rigs, and directional drilling rigs. Each type of drilling rig has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of rig will depend on the geological conditions, drilling objectives, and budget constraints of the project.

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If you want to learn more, please visit our website Spindle Drill Rigs.