Window Film 101: everything You Need To Know

23 Sep.,2024


Window Film 101: everything You Need To Know

There is a great deal of information you should know about window film.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website.

In this section we will cover:

  • What is Window Film?
  • Why Window Film: Benefits of Window Film
  • What Are The Types of Window Film?
  • How Durable is Window Film?
  • How Long Does Window Film Last?
  • What Types of Windows Can You Install Window Film On?

What is Window Film?

Window film is a polyester coating that is applied to glass. It is most commonly used to reduce the amount of sunlight that passes through the glass. When used for this purpose in vehicles, it is often referred to as window tint. (Note, we don&#;t do automobiles.)

Every type of window film uses a polyester film as its base material. Polyester film is produced from the polymer Polyethylene Terephthalate, or more commonly known as PET. 

PET is manufactured by combining terephthalic acid and monoethylene glycol, which are derived from petroleum.

PET films are used successfully in a wide range of applications other than window film due to an excellent combination of optical and physical characteristics. Although the final product is quite thin, polyester base films have unequaled strength and toughness while providing excellent stability when exposed to various temperatures, moistures, and solvents during the window film manufacturing process.

Light reduction is far from the only application that window film is used for in automotive and architectural applications. In addition to light-reducing window film, there are films used to reduce heat and glare, and even prevent storm or vandalism damage. 

Why Window Film: Benefits of Window Film?

Whether it&#;s your home, office, or car, window film provides various benefits. The benefits include improving your health, personal safety, privacy, and energy conservation. 

Once you understand the positive life-changing aspects of having window film installed, we are positive you will want to contact us to start you on the path to having window film in your life. To learn more about the individual advantages of having window film installed, review the topics below.

1. Benefits &#; General

By choosing a product that complements the existing elements of your building, Window Film can enhance the existing appearance. For commercial buildings, window films can help to create a modern and uniform appearance to the glass.

If your interest is in energy savings, many types of new windows can be installed to achieve energy conservation. However, window film can achieve the same results at a lower cost. Unlike most building retrofit projects undertaken, you will find that the window film installation is a minor disruption to your busy life. No moving out, no need to not use a certain room for a period of time. Professional installation is fast and easy.

A major concern these days is personal safety. By nature, glass is a dangerous product. Most glass types will shatter when they break. Any window film installed on any glass type will help to keep the fragments intact. This helps to reduce the potential danger of flying glass fragments and large pieces.

Some window film products can be installed to reduce the ability to see inside your building or home. This is an added benefit against vandalism and possible theft. By reducing the view outside the windows, the potential intruder is not enticed to steal your belongings.

2. Enhanced Appearance and Protection

Whether it&#;s a contemporary look or a uniform design that is desired, there&#;s a variety of window film options that can aesthetically enhance the exterior of your home, office, or automobile. From virtually invisible films to darker colors, there&#;s a range of shades to give you the look you want.

All of our window film products, whether designed for residential, commercial, or automobiles, contain the highest levels of UV protection. This allows the films to reject up to 99% of harmful UV rays.

Have you ever wondered about the effects the sun has on your skin? Even during everyday activities like driving your car, standing by a window or going outside, you are exposed to harmful UVA rays. Is this why most of us have the habit of applying sunscreen? Think of window film as sunscreen for your home or office. Window film blocks UVA rays, giving you a layer of protection from skin cancer and visual impairment. While you apply sunscreen when you plan to be outside for long periods of time, have you ever thought that when performing the simple daily activities of driving your vehicle or standing next to a window, the sun streaming in can also damage your skin? By stopping virtually all of the UV rays, window film provides an effective &#;sunscreen&#; for your skin against the harmful effects of the sun, including but not limited to skin cancer and vision impairment.

3. Not Only for Automobiles

Automotive tinting is by far the most widely known application of window film. Most drivers want to reduce glare while driving and protect their vehicle&#;s interior from fading. As we drive around town, we always see companies advertising automobile window tinting. Did you ever think that the same kind of product might bring advantages to your building? At ClimatePro, we&#;ve never done a single automobile; we focus only on residential and commercial buildings, and for good reason.

Your car is not the largest investment you will ever make; that&#;s reserved for real estate. Whether it&#;s a commercial building, your home, office, or a rental unit, real estate is an investment worth protecting. Why not give the largest investment you will ever make the protection it deserves? If you are interested in privacy, safety, energy savings, or appearance, the benefits of window film are numerous. It will bring the same superior levels of protection with a greater return on investment.

The temperature changes that buildings experience are slower and felt more by humans than the changes in your car. Sure, your cars get hot. But you can quickly change the temperature in your car by leaving the windows open or turning on the AC.  

However, buildings are not conducive to quick temperature change. Automobiles are small spaces with limited amounts of air which allows air to circulate more quickly. As we all know, trying to cool or even heat a building in which the HVAC has gone out takes quite a while. Adding the right kind of window film on a structure will assist in preventing the amount of heat or cold that escapes from windows.

4. Energy Savings

One of the biggest benefits of window tint, particularly in homes or commercial buildings, is energy efficiency. The two times of the year when energy bills skyrocket are typically the height of summer and the dead of winter. Window tint can&#;t stop the heat or cold, but it can reduce the amount of sunlight and energy coming into the building. The film manages to accomplish this by reflecting ultraviolet rays from the sun. This can significantly decrease the interior temperature during the summer months. In the winter, the tint can work to reflect heat back into the building. This can result in lower heating costs. 

5. Fading & Glare Protection/Reduction

The sun&#;s rays can also be harmful to both people and furniture. Tinted windows can help to reduce this damage by blocking the UV rays. Left unchallenged, these rays can cause furniture and upholstery to fade. Not to mention the damage that the sun can do to unprotected skin, including increasing the risk of skin cancer.

    1. It&#;s Fast and Easy

Installing window film on a building is not as time-consuming as some other retrofit improvements you might undertake. Replacing windows to achieve higher energy savings can cost thousands of dollars for the windows alone. Not to mention the installation costs, the invasive practice of removing old windows, and the cost of inside and outside window trim replacements.

The process of window replacement could leave your building potentially open to the elements. Also, inclement weather could extend the length of the project. There is the potential for damage to any parts of the building exposed during the installation.

Window film can be installed either on the interior or the exterior of your structure. This depends upon the required access and the type of product you choose. Residential and Commercial or Safety products are installed without window removal. The product is applied to the existing glass surface like a surface coating.

After the installation is complete, you will have immediate access to all areas. The only caution you&#;ll receive pertains to the curing process. It&#;s important not to clean your windows until the adhesive curing process has been completed. This normally happens within 30&#;45 days after installation. What could be easier?

You can immediately feel the improvement in heat reduction and still have the crystal clear views you had before. The added benefit of minimal downtime during the installation process means that you can get back to your routine. The benefits to your family and investment are clear. 

7. Temperature Imbalances

Window film helps to eliminate troublesome temperature imbalances inside your home or building. Those uncomfortable cold or hot zones from shaded or sun-exposed areas can be a thing of the past. The right window film helps to minimize temperature fluctuations and make your rooms a pleasure to spend time in. You&#;ll also find that the window film will pay for itself as your utility bills and energy costs are reduced.

Window film can provide up to 82% solar energy rejection versus untreated glass. By controlling the overall unwanted interior heat from the sun, window film helps create a more comfortable interior while reducing cooling costs.

Windows are the heart of your home or building.  Today modern architecture has evolved to incorporate our natural desire for more natural light. However, the increased natural light has a downside &#; the increased solar heat coming through your windows. While visually appealing, the building is now uncomfortable to be in. The application of window film will not only maintain the natural light and crystal clear views you are used to, but it will also reduce the amount of solar heat that comes through the windows. Whether installed in your home or office, window film will improve your experience inside of any building.

8. Like Sunglasses for Your Windows

Our bodies require sunlight to produce and use certain vitamins and minerals. At the same time, too much of this vital resource can damage our eyes and skin. We need the sun to warm our atmosphere so that life can be maintained, but too much heat is uncomfortable.

While sunlight is vital to our existence, it is also dangerous. The application of window film on your glass still allows an amount of both sunlight and heat to be felt while reducing the dangers. Think of it like the sunblock you put on when you are outside or the sunglasses you use when driving. Why not get sunglasses for all your glass panes and see the change in your lifestyle? The cost per square foot of window installed won&#;t cost more than a set of cheap sunglasses and will come with a return on investment that is almost impossible to measure.

Related Articles: Window Tinting Price Guide

9. Scratch and Breakage Prevention

Many businesses and property owners have experienced firsthand the damage caused by graffiti. This is unsightly and expensive, causing damage to the business or properties&#; reputation. Graffiti window film is a great way to protect and prevent this damage. In addition, it allows for the quick removal of graffiti, helping to reduce costs and keep up appearances. These films are applied to the exterior of the glass. 

Window film can also help hold glass together in case of accidental or intentional breakage. This creates a strong barrier to keep people out of your home or building. It also protects people from broken glass.

10. Privacy and Protection

Another great benefit of window tint is the privacy that it provides. Standard window tints make it harder to see into a building. This inherently increases the privacy of the building. However, there are window tints designed specifically with privacy in mind (frosted windows are a great example of this). The energy-saving benefits of window film are apparent, but the added privacy that tinted windows provide is a reason to consider making the change.

Related Article: Nighttime and Daytime Privacy is it Possible?

Window Film Types

There is a wide variety of window films and tints depending on the application; some have no tint at all, such as our safety, graffiti, and spectrally selective films.

  • Reflective Film: Reflective film is the most common type of window film in residential and commercial settings. This type of film absorbs and reflects the energy from the sun and other light sources that would normally pass through glass.
  • Dual Reflective Film: Dual reflective film works much in the same way that ordinary reflective film does. The primary difference is that this film absorbs the energy passing both ways through the glass. This means that both the amount of light traveling into and out of the applied window is reduced.
  • Neutral Film: This film reduces the amount of heat entering a home without changing the look of windows. This helps to reduce cooling costs without sacrificing the amount of natural light coming into your home.
  • Spectrally Selective Film: The spectrally selective film differs from the more conventional solar film. The chemistry that is rejecting solar energy does not use shading or reflectivity that is visible to our eyes. These films have been engineered to allow the maximum transmission of visible light while rejecting the maximum amount of UV and Infra-Red wavelengths. This results in a product that begins by not impeding our view of the beautiful landscape we have invested in. It improves our visibility of the landscape by reducing glare.
  • Insulating Film: Conventional applied solar control window film reduces solar heat gain and decreases the use of cooling energy. However, in cold weather months, it fails to take full advantage of the sun&#;s warmth, offsetting summer energy savings with increased winter energy use. Low-E window film combines the solar control functions of a standard film with the insulating power of low emissivity (Low-E) coating. Previously, this benefit has been available only as part of a factory-produced unit. Adding insulation, which improves efficiency in all seasons, compensates for diminished solar heat gain in the colder months
  • Safety and Security Film:  In addition to films that protect from light and heat, films are also available to protect from accidental or intentional impact by a foreign object.  While glass may still break after an impact from an object, the film can help to prevent shattering and keep the glass in place. In the event of a storm or an earthquake, this reduces the risk of injury due to flying glass. In the case of a home invasion, criminals may be deterred if a window or glass door does not immediately break.
  • Anti-Graffiti Film: Commercial, industrial, and government facilities can benefit from anti-graffiti film. This film can help reduce the time and resources needed to remove graffiti manually.
  • Decorative Film: These can be used to add patterns to windows or even increase the privacy of a home or office building. Frosted or colored window tints can provide privacy while also being an appealing addition.

Window Film Durability

Many window film providers offer a warranty of up to 15 years for commercial installations and a lifetime warranty for homeowners (as long as you own the home). Depending on the film type, glass type, window construction, and the location of the building, some professionally installed window films can last well past their warranties. 

Most factory warranties will cover issues such as;

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  • Peeling
  • Bubbling
  • Rippling
  • Cracking
  • Adhesive failure

Since we&#;ve been in business for forty-plus years, we&#;ve seen many projects and window film types over the years. While the warranties offered with these products are extensive, some other factors should be considered in terms of their lifetime and durability. 

What Is Not Covered?

Almost all window films come with extensive manufactured warranties that cover the failure of the product prematurely. However, they do not cover things such as wear and tear, scratches, or damage caused by the homeowner or user, abrasive cleaning methods, or products.

Window film manufacturers apply a scratch-resistant coating on almost all of their film products. It&#;s applied to the top of the film during the manufacturing process. Its purpose is to protect the film from minor abrasions and cleaning solvents. Some window film manufacturers take more time and effort to make better scratch-resistant coatings which in turn increases the durability and lifespan of the window film.

How Long Does Window Film Last?

As we discussed previously, there are many different types of window film for various purposes. Not only do these window films serve different purposes they&#;re also made of different materials which affect the lifespan of certain products.

The length of time that window film lasts also varies depending on the application. Some factors are;

  • Interior or exterior applications
  • The orientation of the installation, i.e., an east-facing window with window film, may last longer than a south-facing window.
  • Is the application vertical or horizontal, such as skylights and atrium windows
  • Was the window film properly installed in the first place, with the appropriate installation methods and sealant?

These are just some of the factors to consider when determining the lifespan of a window film. In most situations, you determine the estimated lifespan by examining the window film manufacturer-backed warranty.

What Types of Windows Can You Install Window Film On?

Glass is designed to act as a barrier from exterior elements (i.e., wind, rain, and snow) while providing a natural view of the outside world. When solar energy or sunlight, composed of heat, light, and UV rays hits an untreated window, almost 90% of the energy is transmitted through the glass that&#;s why your home or business gets warm on hot days.

In contrast, once a solar control window film is applied to glass, nearly 80% of solar energy can be blocked. The special dyes, metals, or thin nanotechnology within the film, act as a solar energy barrier by either absorbing or reflecting a percentage of the energy from passing through the glass.

The level of absorption and reflectance is dependent on how the film is constructed. Dyed films contain no metal and are considered non-reflective because they absorb solar energy. They are not as effective in controlling solar heat and light because they do not provide any solar reflectance. On the other hand, metalized or spectrally selective films provide both solar absorption and reflectance. They do a much better job of solar control since their construction properties control both heat and light from passing through the glass surface.

Understanding these key points guides what type of windows you can install a window film or a tint on. In reality, almost any kind of window or glass can be treated with window film. The key is selecting the right window film, as not all window films are compatible or recommended for every type of window. It&#;s as simple as that. It&#;s best to contact us for help with recommendations. We can help you select the correct product for your window and application.

Window film can be applied to the following window type of windows;

  • Single pane or monolithic windows
  • Dual-pane or insulated windows
  • Laminated windows
  • Tempered glass 
  • Skylights and atrium windows

Optical Windows

Optical Windows


An optical window is a transparent, optically flat substrate that is used to separate two different environments while still allowing light to pass through. They may be either parallel (used to minimize the distortion of a transmitted beam of light of a specific wavelength) or wedged (used to direct transmitted light at a specific angle and reduce back reflection) and come either uncoated or with an anti-reflective coating used to reduce reflectance and improve transmission.

Optical windows are designed to work in all areas of the UV-VIS-IR spectrum and are therefore made of a variety of substrates. Choice of substrate is dependent on multiple factors such as a materials transmission, index of refraction, hardness, thermal expansion and chemical resistance. Sherlan Optics focuses on optical windows made of glass substrates such as N-BK7®, fused silica, BOROFLOAT®33, B270 and infrared material CaF2, Ge, Znse, Si as well as a wide range of high index glasses.

Like other flat optics, optical windows are used in many industries including aerospace, military and commercial avionics, scientific and medical instrumentation, academics and research, as well as industrial applications. Optical windows come in various sizes and shapes including round, square and rectangular and range in flatness from commercial grade to precision polished. Sherlan Optics offers a broad range of in-stock optical windows and provides free engineering consultation services and custom fabrication from prototype to production or anywhere in between.


Factors to consider when selecting an optical window.

There are many factors to consider when designing an optical window. Careful consideration of each of the factors below will determine how effectively an optical window will perform in a given application as well as the impact to cost and delivery.


Select the Correct Material: Since optical windows can be made of various materials, specifying the correct material is essential. Factors to consider include the amount of transmission required in a particular area of the spectrum, the index of refraction, the Abbe number, the coefficient of thermal expansion, Knoop hardness, and the density of the material. For further information on each of these, click here.


Determine the Shape and Size: As with optical flats and mirrors, optical windows can be made into almost any shape to fit a specific application. However, if surface accuracy is critical, a round shape will yield a higher degree of surface flatness than a square or rectangular shape. Aspect ratio also plays a role. The closer the aspect ratio is to 6:1 (size to thickness) the easier it will be to achieve a higher degree of surface flatness and the less the part may flex or bend, causing a change in figure. However, if a 6:1 aspect ratio does not meet your requirements, Sherlan Optics manufactures optical windows with non-standard aspect ratios.


Establish the Correct Accuracy for your Application: Optical windows come in a wide range of accuracies from commercial grade to precision polished. Optical windows used as view ports, for example, do not require a high degree of flatness as they are typically viewed using with the naked eye. However, precision applications that require an optical window to pass light through with little to no distortion require both surfaces to be precision polished to a high degree of flatness. Sherlan Optics fabricates optical windows with surface flatnesses of λ/4, λ/10 and λ/20 measured peak to valley at 632.8nm and can maintain parallelism &#; 2 arc seconds.


Refine The Tolerances: As with all optics, optical windows may require tight tolerances. The tighter the tolerance in diameter, length and width or thickness, the more Sherlan techniques and longer manufacturing times are required to produce the window which both dictate an increase in price. The most difficult tolerance to hold is thickness. Tighter thickness tolerances require special blocking techniques and have the potential to increase the scrap rate as any scratch may be unable to be removed to stay within tolerance. Properly defining your tolerances can save you manufacturing time and reduce your costs.


Specify the Correct Scratch and Dig: Scratch and dig specifications are typically expressed using MIL-PRF-B and are used to classify any cosmetic flaws in an optical surface or coating.  A scratch is defined as any marking or tearing of the surface; a dig is defined as any rough spot or pit on the surface of an optic.  Scratch and dig is expressed as two numbers separated by dash.  The first number indicates the allowable size and width of a scratch and the second number indicates the allowable size and number of pits over a defined area of an optic.  

As with accuracy, imperfections in the surface of an optical window can distort the light traveling through the window. Commercial grade windows typically have a high scratch and dig number such as 80-50 whereas precision grade windows have a lower scratch and dig number such as 40-20. Extremely high precision laser optics require a very low scratch and dig such as 10-5. Understanding your application well enough to choose the correct scratch and dig number can save you time and money.


Define the Wedge: Optical windows can be specified by how much wedge, or variation in thickness, is allowed over the surface of a part.  It is defined in arc minutes (an angular measurement that is 1/60th of a degree) or arc seconds where 60 arc seconds is equal to 1 arc minute.

Wedge can be induced into an optical window to reduce the interference of reflections between the front and back surfaces or to separate and direct transmitted light at a particular angle.  

Conversely, parallel optical windows are manufactured using special blocking techniques to ensure very little variation in thickness between the front and back of the window across its entire surface.   This ensures that a beam of light traveling through the window is straight and not distorted due to angular deviation of the optical surfaces.  A high degree of parallelism makes an optical window more expensive due to the amount of labor and scrap rate in the fabrication process.  


Choose the Coating: Optical windows may come either uncoated or with an anti-reflective coating. Standard anti-reflective coatings include MgF2 or a BBAR (broad band anti-reflective) coating for the visible spectrum. Anti-reflective coatings help to improve transmission and eliminate ghost images. 

If the requirement is to have a low reflectivity at a single wavelength, V-coats are the superior choice. V-coats can be designed to provide low reflectivity at several specific wavelengths as opposed to higher reflectivity over a broad wavelength range. 

Optical windows for use with lasers require durable coatings (dielectric coatings) designed for use at specific wavelengths. When choosing an anti-reflective coating it is important to specify the percentage of reflectivity you require at a specific wavelength(s) as well as the AOI (angle of incidence) you will be using the optical window. Sherlan Optics can provide MgF2, BBAR, V-coats, dielectric coatings as well as custom coating designed to meet your specific requirements.


Making the final decision.

A good understanding of your application will help to choose the correct optical window.  Determining the best optical window for your project will require you to:

Consider the environment in which the optical window will be used. Environmental factors may influence the type of material, cosmetics and coating selection best suited to your application.


Define your requirements and expectations for critical specifications such as accuracy, mechanical tolerances, scratch and dig and wedge.


Select the correct optical coating (if required) to maximize the performance of your window. Identify at what angle of incidence you will be using your optical window, as well as what percentage of reflectivity you require at specific wavelength(s). If using the optical window with a laser, provide information as to the power of your laser, the spot size and whether or not the laser will be pulsed or continuous over a specified period of time.


Carefully defining your requirements can save manufacturing time which translates to reduced costs. Should you have any questions or need help refining your requirements, Sherlan Optics offers free engineering services.



Contact us to discuss your requirements of Optical Glass Window. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.