Felt boards are so versatile and easy to make! You can hang them on a wall for vertical play or make them for the floor, table, or lap activities (suitable for traveling, too).
Felt boards come in a variety of sizes depending on their purpose.
Choose the color that you feel is the best for your storyboard.
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I love felt crafts! Our smaller felt board has been one of my favorite DIY’s for the kids!
Every time I shared pictures of it, people commented on how they were wanting to make one.
So I thought I would put together a Large Felt Board Tutorial
so you can see how easy and doable this project really is!
The best part of this project is that it’s both art and fun for the kids’ room!
If you’ve been thinking about making one… go for it!
If you have a sewing machine you can easily sew the blue and green felt together,
or to make this project EVEN easier, just do green! You need three things to get started:
Canvas, Felt and a staple gun!
Try to grab your canvas when it’s on sale or with a coupon. The Craft stores I shop at always have them.
I got this one at Michael’s for 40 percent off and then 25 percent off my total order!
So plan ahead and grab those canvases if you have this project in mind.
You can use any size you want!
Just make sure to get enough felt to cover and wrap around edges.
Staple Gun
Heavy duty but no need to go crazy! Grab a basic one from a craft store or home depot!
I get felt off the bolt. and when I make the pieces I suggest Michael’s or JoAnns felt. NOT Hobby Lobby’s.
They just feel like bad quality to me.
Here are the dimesions I used for this project.
(I had a yard of each color but that is WAY more than you need.)
Blue felt Dimensions: 37.5in x 23 in
Green Felt Dimensions: 30.5 in x 37.5 in
1. Lay out felt so that blue and green overlap slightly. You can do straight across, or add hills!
Have fun with this part! It doesn’t have to be perfect….as spoken by my 7 year old to me haha.
2. Run the two through your sewing machine. Skip this part if you are doing one color felt!
3. Unwrap your canvas and arrange felt on it, turn over on floor.
4. Pull tight and staple gun around edges of canvas. Do a nice fold in the corners to make it smooth.
trim any extra felt off the back. (but don’t cut where you sewed them together!)
And you are done!
You can hang it up on the wall or leave it leaning against the wall.
This is where we are putting the felt board right now… in the girls’ room!
The kids play in both rooms..and this was a good size wall for it.
I like having it up… and might end up hanging it with a
couple nails, so that I can pull it down when it’s time to play with it, and then put it back up.
The first felt board I made was damaged during our move, so a new and improved one was on my to do list!
We decided to put a littleeeeee hill on this one so we could put Elsa’s Castle on it.
A frozen theme of felt board pieces is our next project!
I already have the felt for it and have doodled up some of the patterns on card stock.
I’ll be sure to share it with all of you!
If you want to know how I made these, most I freehanded…
but a lot I end up doodling on card stock paper, cutting out, and pinning to the felt.
It makes it easy to cut out the exact shape you want!
Every time I walk by it, it makes me smile! Sienna was little when I made most
of these felt pieces, so it’s been fun seeing Micah experience them.
He really appreciates the fire truck and stop light more than my girls ever did. haha.
The original road I made fit the size of our old felt board, which was a little shorter and wider.
But the great part about felt is that it really works well together!
I just folded the longer road a little bit around the edges of the canvas.
I can’t wait to make more pieces for our new board!
Tag me on INSTAGRAM if you end up making one and share it!
I love seeing everyone’s felt creations… have fun crafting and be sure to sign up for my bog posts
and newsletter so you don’t miss out on the Frozen Theme Felt Board Set!
If you are looking for some inspiration on what to make for your felt board…
check out this old post where I shared all the pieces I made for the kids.
Have FUN!
Are you interested in learning more about pet felt board? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!