5 Essential POS Functions You Might Be Overlooking

17 Jun.,2024


5 Essential POS Functions You Might Be Overlooking

Point-of-sale (POS) systems are like the Swiss Army knives of the business world; they&#;re packed with tools to tackle just about anything. While they&#;ve already changed the game for countless business owners, you might be surprised to find out you&#;re still missing out on some of their best tricks. Hold onto your barcode scanners, folks &#; we&#;re about to dive into the world of underutilized POS functions that can revolutionize your business.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.


The Amazing World of Underused POS Functions

Think you know everything about your POS system? Think again! It&#;s time to look beyond the checkout counter and discover these five fabulous areas where underused POS functions can make your business dazzle:


  1. Employee Management: Staffing got you down? We&#;ve got you covered!

  2. Inventory Management: No more &#;out-of-stock&#; nightmares!

  3. Customer Relationship Management and Marketing: Turn those frowns upside down!

  4. Online Ordering: The future is here, and it&#;s online!

  5. Data Analysis and Reporting: Knowledge is power, and data is king!


Let&#;s break it down and unveil these game-changing features.


Employee Management &#; Boosting Morale One Click at a Time!


Recruiting and retaining a super squad is no joke in today&#;s world. POS systems are like an HR superhero:


  • Time Clocks and Scheduling: Forget punch cards; track time like a pro!

  • Payroll Management: Keep everyone happy on payday.

  • Tip Management: Fairly share the love (and the tips).

  • Productivity Reporting: Tailor training and support.

  • Self-Service Solutions: Let customers help themselves, and free your staff to be even more awesome!


Inventory Management &#; The Science of Stocking Shelves


Running out of stock is so yesterday. With advanced POS features, inventory management becomes a breeze:


  • Wireless Barcode Scanners: Feel like James Bond while scanning items!

  • Mobile POS Tablets: Manage inventory from anywhere!

  • Predictive Analytics: Forecast like a weatherman and never run out!

  • Controlled Spending: Say goodbye to overstocking nightmares.


Customer Relationship Management and Marketing &#; Unleashing Loyalty

In the world of retail, relationships are key. Knowing your customers&#; preferences and shopping habits can be like holding a golden key to unlocking success. Yet, the integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with POS systems is still an underutilized function, and here&#;s why it shouldn&#;t be:


You give your brand a beautiful personal touch. By seamlessly integrating CRM into your POS system, you gain access to a treasure trove of data. Customer names, purchase histories, and even birthdays are at your fingertips. Want to send a personalized discount on their favorite item or a birthday greeting? This is your chance to shine!


You can properly target the audience and market you need. Who wants to shout into the void? With CRM integration, your marketing campaigns can find their mark. Whether it&#;s seasonal promotions or new product launches, tailor your messages to the customers who are most likely to respond.


You give your customers someone they want to shop with and that builds loyalty. Loyal customers are retail gold. CRM helps you nurture these precious relationships by tracking and rewarding repeat purchases. From loyalty points to exclusive offers, you can show your appreciation in ways that resonate.


In a world where brand loyalty is a slippery fish, use POS features to hook and reel in your customers:


  • Customized Promotions: Treat each customer like royalty!

  • Targeted Campaigns: Win hearts with precision.

  • Data-Driven Marketing: Crunch numbers and create die-hard fans!


Online Ordering &#; The Digital Dining Experience


Whether it&#;s Chinese food or a new chair, people want it online. So why not deliver it seamlessly?


  • Live Inventory Management: No more &#;Sorry, we just ran out&#; moments!

  • Cloud Printing Solutions: Print labels in a puff of cloud magic!

  • Display Screens for Order Management: Organize like a boss!


Data Analysis and Reporting &#; Your Crystal Ball


Want to predict the future? With data analysis, you can:


  • Real-time Analytics: See trends as they happen!

  • Third-party Integration: Mix and match to find the perfect solution!

  • Marketing Campaign Tracking: Know what&#;s working, instantly!


Maximize your POS functions &#; Unleash the Power!


Your POS system is more than a fancy cash register. It&#;s a powerhouse, ready to unleash features like:


  • Time Clocks and Scheduling

  • Self-Service Solutions.

  • Live Inventory Management Updates.

  • Customized Promotions.

  • Real-time Data Analytics.


Take the Leap and Let Your Business Soar!

getell are exported all over the world and different industries with quality first. Our belief is to provide our customers with more and better high value-added products. Let's create a better future together.


Today&#;s business environment is a jungle, and you need every tool you can get. Don&#;t let these fantastic POS functions go to waste. Whether you&#;re running a chic boutique, a bustling restaurant, or a booming online store, it&#;s time to embrace these tools.


Give them a try, and you&#;ll soon see increased efficiency, skyrocketing profits, and smiling customers. You&#;ve got the key to success; now, join us at Visual Retail Plus! &#;


1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration: Strengthening Bonds One Transaction at a Time

In the world of retail, relationships are key. Knowing your customers&#; preferences and shopping habits can be like holding a golden key to unlocking success. Yet, the integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with POS systems is still an underutilized function, and here&#;s why it shouldn&#;t be:


A Personal Touch:

By seamlessly integrating CRM into your POS system, you gain access to a treasure trove of data. Customer names, purchase histories, and even birthdays are at your fingertips. Want to send a personalized discount on their favorite item or a birthday greeting? This is your chance to shine!


Targeted Marketing:

Who wants to shout into the void? With CRM integration, your marketing campaigns can find their mark. Whether it&#;s seasonal promotions or new product launches, tailor your messages to the customers who are most likely to respond.


Building Loyalty:

Loyal customers are retail gold. CRM helps you nurture these precious relationships by tracking and rewarding repeat purchases. From loyalty points to exclusive offers, you can show your appreciation in ways that resonate.


2. Advanced Analytics: Making Sense of the Numbers

In the hustle and bustle of daily operations, it&#;s easy to overlook the enormous potential of data. Advanced analytics in your POS system is like having a wise oracle, whispering insights, and guidance.


Real-time Tracking:

Forget waiting for end-of-month reports. With advanced analytics, you can monitor sales, inventory, and customer behavior in real-time. Notice a sudden spike in a product&#;s sales? Time to reorder before the shelves go bare!


Trend Spotting:

Patterns emerge when you look at the bigger picture. Advanced analytics lets you zoom out and identify trends. Is there a seasonal rise in certain products? Are some items losing popularity? Align your strategies with what&#;s hot and what&#;s not.


Efficiency Unleashed:

Time is money, and analytics saves you both. By automating complex data analysis, you can focus on making informed decisions without getting lost in spreadsheets.


3. Omnichannel Experience: Bridging the Gap Between Online and In-Store

In a world where customers glide between online browsing and in-store buying, providing a seamless omnichannel experience is paramount. Integrating this function into your POS system can be a game-changer:


Unified Inventory:

Managing separate inventories for online and in-store can be a logistical nightmare. Omnichannel integration means real-time updates across all platforms. An item sold online is immediately reflected in the store&#;s inventory, and vice versa.


Consistent Customer Experience:

Your customers don&#;t see online and in-store as two different worlds; why should you? From pricing to promotions, ensure consistency across all channels. A discount offered online should be honored in-store without a hitch.


Enhanced Convenience:

Click-and-collect, in-store returns for online purchases, or online access to in-store availability are features that customers now expect. By embracing the omnichannel experience, you&#;re not just meeting expectations; you&#;re exceeding them.


By integrating these often underutilized functions into your POS system, you unlock new dimensions of efficiency, personalization, and customer satisfaction. Whether it&#;s forging stronger connections with CRM, diving into data with advanced analytics, or weaving the in-store and online worlds with an omnichannel experience, your POS system is more than just a payment processor; it&#;s a strategic partner in success.

The 5 Must-Have POS Features for Small Businesses

POS (point of sale) systems should help merchants do more than just accept credit card payments -- the best POS systems will help you streamline processes and manage all of the moving parts involved in running a business.

The amount and type of POS features you&#;ll need will depend on your business type and size, but there are five features we think all businesses need to help them thrive. We&#;ll go through the different types of POS systems on the market, and the five POS features that all merchants need.

Overview: What is a POS system?

POS, or point of sale, systems combine software and hardware that businesses use to take cash and card payments and run many operational aspects of the business, such as inventory, employee and customer management, and sales tracking and reporting.

The most recognizable POS hardware devices are the handheld POS terminal and countertop card readers that many retailers use to accept card payments. The software runs on the POS hardware.

Types of POS system

When choosing a POS system, you need to consider the different types of setups available for your business. Whether you&#;re running a bar, restaurant, or multi-location retail business, you can find an ideal POS system with specific features for your business.

The following are three of the most popular POS systems on the market.

Type 1: Retail POS systems

Retail POS systems help retail-focused businesses process customer transactions, manage stock and inventory, manage purchase orders, manage customer information, run discounts and rewards, manage staff, and run sales reports.

Type 2: Restaurant POS systems

Restaurant POS systems include distinct restaurant-specific features. These systems usually include all of the features retail POS systems offer plus menu management, raw ingredient tracking, floor plan management, split-bill functionality, delivery service integration, and more.

Type 3: Bar POS systems

Bar POS systems usually come with the features included with a retail POS system. They also offer bar-specific features such as menu management, timed events (setting promotional prices/offers for happy hours, etc.), drink modifiers, split-bill functionality, table management, and more.

The 5 features your small business POS needs to have

No matter your industry or business type, any POS system you choose should offer a set of core features that help you manage all of the main operational tasks involved in running a store, bar, or restaurant.

Feature 1: Integrated payment processing

POS systems that offer integrated payment processing (either via their own in-house payment processor, or with a separate merchant account that integrates with the system) help businesses streamline payment transactions.

This is because the POS system and the payment processor exchange the necessary data automatically.

Without integrated payment processing, merchants need to manually enter customer credit and debit card information (similar to using virtual terminals), meaning every time you make a sale, you need to spend extra time keying in information that could be entered automatically.

Using integrated payments, merchants pay a processing rate per transaction that's fixed by the payment processor.

Benefits of integrated payment processing:

  • Merchants can accept all payments types: Cash, card, and mobile payments are all compatible with integrated payments. You&#;ll also be able to see how many sales you made via each type of payment.
  • Integrated payments offer protection: Many integrated systems offer end-to-end data encryption, built-in PCI compliance, and protection against fraud.
  • Reduces chances of human error: As well as removing the need for entering payment information manually, choosing a system with integrated payment processing means merchants don&#;t need to worry about manual end-of-day reconciliations.

Feature 2: Inventory management

Smaller retailers might think they don&#;t need any inventory management assistance because they don&#;t carry a lot of items, but inventory management is so much more than knowing how much stock you&#;re carrying.

This feature is important for helping merchants track real-time inventory without manually counting each item, it sends alerts and notifications when stock levels are low, and with inventory reports, it helps identify best-sellers and unpopular products that eat into profits.

Ultimately, a POS system with inventory management helps merchants plan ahead and make sure they&#;re stocked with the products their customers want.

Feature 3: Employee management

Employee management POS features not only help to manage your staff day to day, they can also save you both time and money.

A POS system with employee management functionality allows staff to clock in and out of the system. Systems with more robust functionality won&#;t let employees clock out before they enter how much they&#;ve made in tips that day.

Managers can also set permissions based on roles and seniority, which gives employees access to the features they need and nothing more.

Some systems also track, pool, and split tips between servers, which takes the burden off managers.

Feature 4: Sales reporting

Sales reporting is an essential POS feature. This functionality gives business owners insight into their entire operation, and it facilitates data-driven decisions that ultimately drive revenue.

Reports give merchants a chance to not only see how many sales they&#;ve made, but to also see their best- and worst-selling products and customer buying trends.

For example, reporting shows what days and times are most popular and cross references them with product levels, meaning business owners can schedule staff more efficiently and have the right products in stock at the right time.

Feature 5: Customer management

Making it easier for customers to make repeat purchases should be a priority for any merchant. Customer management features can help you:

  • Create customer profiles: Store their details, making it easier to make repeat payments. You can also segment customers on the back end, allowing you to offer them highly-targeted discounts.
  • Store purchase data: Store your customers&#; purchase histories to help you create personalized offers based on historical choices and buying trends.
  • Run loyalty programs: Reward customers via loyalty schemes, and help them accumulate rewards points.

Let features guide your POS system selection

When it comes to choosing a POS system, don&#;t let cost be your only factor. POS features and requirements are key to making the right choice for your business, and although some features are optional, we believe these five features are must-haves for small businesses.

Depending on your industry, some of these features might not be crucial for running your business, and you may need others not listed here.

If you&#;re looking for more feature-specific POS systems and features, you can check out our pick of the best bar POS systems and the best retail POS systems.

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