Screenless display - 1. INTRODUCTION Advancement in ...

27 Nov.,2024


Screenless display - 1. INTRODUCTION Advancement in ...


Advancement in different technologies are making human life more and more comfortable day by day. Thus the improvement can be accomplished by upgrading the existing tools and machines. Today's touch screen technology which is adopted by almost all electronic gadgets will become history tomorrow. Screenless Display will replace these touch screen displays and will reduce the use of screens, ultimately hardware component will become cheap. Screen less display is one of the most interesting subjects in technologies and that's why number of renowned IT companies are working on projects concerning screenless display technology to prove themselves. The primary aim of Screenless technology is to transfer or display information/data without using screen at all. Screenless display is the present evolving technology in the field of the computer enhanced technologies. It is going to be the one of the greatest technological development in the coming future years. Technology is making a huge modification in existing machines or tools in order to solve problem at higher level and make life comfortable. Screen less display is one of the most interesting subjects in technologies and research on this is increasing by exponential scale day by day. It is a system of transferring information/data though an electronic video source without using screen at all. Few parts of this technology is being used at present but they are not so advance yet. Screenless display is the present evolving technology in the field of the computer-enhanced technologies. It is going to be the one of the greatest technological development in the coming future years. Several patents are still working on this new emerging technology which can change the whole spectacular view of the screenless displays. Screen less display technology has the main aim of displaying (or) transmitting the information without any help of the screen (or) the projector. Screen less displays have become a new rage of development for the next GEN-X. Screenless videos describe systems for transmitting visual information from a video source without the use of the screen. Well screenless display, AKA hologram, has such amazing potential that is the internet can be a medium for collaboration of ideas and information about screenless display that could help break down the barriers that prevent us from making it a reality. Essentially screenless display is a projection that can be seen projected onto the air itself. The only screenless display that has been achieved to my knowledge still uses fog as a medium to reflect light. Other options have been to use mirrors and plastic film to imitate the idea, but no one has been able to reflect light off of air itself. Light does reflect off of large amounts of air as we see in our atmosphere but doing it in such a manner that we could pinpoint it to a

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single area is immensely difficult. Screenless display is nothing but a display that could be shot at anywhere the user wishes to have a screen. It can be anywhere such as on wall or in open space. Nowadays technology is changing very drastically in existing machines or tools in order to solve problem at higher level. It can also be said that screenless display is a life- changing concept and also one of the most interesting topic for research. This technology solves the problem of space of display in one place. It is a system of displaying information/data though an electronic video source without using screen at all. Screenless display is the present evolving computer-enhanced technologies. It will surely be the one of the greatest technological development in the future years. Several patents are still researching on this new technology which can change the whole view of the displays. Screenless Display was an excellent thought that came into many experts in order to solve the major problems related to the size of the device. Lower space screen displays have made the need of screenless displays more than ever. Screenless, by the word clearly means 'no screen'. So, Screenless Displays can be defined as a display which helps to display and even transmit any information without the aid of screens. This seminar paper discusses advent of the Screenless display which is an emerging new technology , has become a good prospect in the near future for a wide range of applications. As the name implies it deals with the display of several things without the use of screens using projector. It involves the following 3 different working principles. The Visual image, Virtual retinal display, Synaptic interface. This paper mainly illustrates and demonstrates how the screen less displays works and its applications in various fields of science. This technology would bring about the revolution in the field of displays and monitors that are costly, huge and are proven difficult to manage the power requirements and constraints. It is also the futuristic technological innovation.


The Reto Meier, an 'Android Developer Advocate for Google' recently laid out a fairly science-fiction account of where computer (or at least mobile) interfaces are headed.

In the spirit of the best futurism, all of his predictions - from Augmented Reality eye glasses to advanced batteries - have parallels in the real world. What follows is a walk- through of the future, expressed in terms of the not quite ready for prime time discoveries coming out of labs today.

Working on the average laptop is like working on a desk that's as big as a sheet of paper. That's why all our 'files' are half an inch high. The key to productivity and immersion is more, bigger screens - hence the proliferation of external monitors, secondary reading devices and even mobile phones with improbably large screens.

So-called 'Pico' projectors (named for their tiny size) already exist - there's even an HD version, the Forever Plus, that's less than an inch on its longest dimension. And there are mobile phones, such as the Samsung Show, which have built-in picoprojectors - so outside of market demand (how many of us really need this?) there's nothing to stop this prediction from coming true.

Figure 1- Basic Display


Today various technologies are used in the screenless display. Some of them are described below. Interactive projection and visual display system, 3D Display Projection Technology are the examples of this technology.


The biggest impact in screenless technology has been seen in the use of optical technology. Whether talking of VRD (virtual retinal display), RSD (retinal scanning display) or LOE (light-guide optical element), optical technology is being used by consumer electronic corporations like Apple to the military and even the health care industry. Optical technology enables personal screenless displays by projecting images and data from computers, DVD players, or VCRs into the viewer's eye, displaying them in the visual field of the viewer. For instance, Microvision Inc. has created helmet mounted displays in which an Army tank commander can view the surrounding area from topside while still viewing a translucent map that floats a couple of feet away.

Figure 1- Interactive projection


Screenless display is the emerging display technology. In these examples you see that the user is able to interact with a three dimensional image projected into thin air. Imagine your desktop floating in the space before your eyes waiting for your interaction.

Figure 1 - 3D Bees Knees display

Screenless display technology is likely to affect the following matters

  1. Lighting and projection technologies
  2. Software development/design
  3. Lifestyles of the visually impaired
  4. Career opportunities for the visually impaired

Screen less computing systems can be divided mainly into 3 groups

  1. Visual image
  2. Retinal direct
  3. Synaptic interface


The first screen-less display that needs mentioning is Google Glass. This device has been tested for the past year, and some lucky individuals have even got their devices already. Google Glass sits on the face like a pair of glasses, and on one eye it has a block of glass that allows you to see augmented reality. Images can be displayed right in front of your eye, as well as text and information about objects and places that are in front of you. This technology is only in its early stages, but definitely shows that screen-less displays will become a natural form of media consumption in the future.

Figure 2 - Google Glass


Visual image are vise known as hologram, is display an image that is reflected by a substance than proceed by human eye. The display works on the principle that; light gets reflected by the intermediate object before it could reach to the retina[4]. The intermediate object can be holograms, windows, or even LCDs. Example of this type of display is Displayers' air screen technology-The Displayers' air screen projects images onto sheets of water droplets suspended in air, giving the illusion of a hologram. In cold fog projecting technologies, the images thrown by Displayer can be also respond rapidly to multi-touch manipulation, as well as it can also allow taste and aroma to incorporated technology also develop a similar display called the helium display which uses a micro-size airbase media to create images in free space. Another example is google glass, which is virtual reality goggles. This technology is type of augmented reality visual image display that displays image right in front of our eye. Beside we have expanded in developing the displays for wearable contact lenses.

A laser beam is split into two identical beams and redirected by the use of mirrors. One of the split beams, the illumination beam or object beam, is directed at the object. Some of the light is reflected off the object onto the recording medium. The second beam, known as the reference beam, is directed onto the recording medium. This way, it doesn't conflict with any imagery that comes from the object beam, and coordinates with it to create a more precise image in the hologram location. The two beams intersect and interfere with each other. The interference pattern is what is imprinted on the recording medium to recreate a virtual image for our eyes to see.

Figure 2 - Reconstructing a hologram

The diffraction grating and reflective surfaces inside the hologram recreate the original object beam. This beam is absolutely identical to the original object beam before it was combined with the reference wave. This is what happens when you listen to the radio. Your radio receiver removes the sine wave that carried the amplitude- or frequency- modulated information. The wave of information returns to its original state, before it was combined with the sine wave for transmission. The beam also travels in the same direction as the original object beam, spreading out as it goes. Since the object was on the other side of the holographic plate, the beam travels toward you. Your eyes focus this light, and your brain interprets it as a three-dimensional image located behind the transparent hologram. This may sound far-fetched, but you encounter this phenomenon every day. Every time you look in a

mirror, you see yourself and the surroundings behind you as though they were on the other side of the mirror's surface. But the light rays that make this image aren't on the other side of the mirror -- they're the ones that bounce off of the mirror's surface and reach your eyes. Most holograms also act like color filters, so you see the object as the same colour as the laser used in its creation rather than its natural colour. This virtual image comes from the light that hits the interference fringes and spreads out on the way to your eyes. However, light that hits the reverse side of each fringe does the opposite. Instead of moving upward and diverging, it moves downward and converges. It turns into a focused reproduction of the object -- a real image that you can see if you put a screen in its path. The real image is pseudoscopic, or flipped back to front -- it's the opposite of the virtual image that you can see without the aid of a screen. With the right illumination, holograms can display both images at the same time. Your brain plays a big role in your perception of both of these images. When your eyes detect the light from the virtual image, your brain interprets it as a beam of light reflected from a real object. Your brain uses multiple cues, including, shadows, the relative positions of different objects, distances and parallax, or differences in angles, to interpret this scene correctly. It uses these same cues to interpret the pseudoscopic real image.

Figure 2 - Hologram Display

After scanning, the optical beam must be properly projected into the eye. The goal is for the exit pupil of the VRD to be coplanar with the entrance pupil of the eye. The lens and cornea of the eye will then focus the beam on the retina, forming a spot. The position on the retina where the eye focuses the spot is determined by the angle at which light enters the eye. This angle is determined by the scanners and is continually varying in a raster pattern. The brightness of the focused spot is determined by the intensity modulation of the light beam. The intensity modulated moving spot, focused through the eye, draws an image on the retina. The eye's persistence allows the image to appear continuous and stable. Finally, the drive electronics synchronize the scanners and intensity modulator with the incoming video signal in such a manner that a stable image is formed.

Figure 2 - Retinal Display


A virtual retinal display (VRD), also known as a retinal scan display (RSD), is a new display technology that draws a raster display (like a television) directly onto the retina of the eye. The user sees what appears to be a conventional display floating in space in front of them. Similar systems have been made by projecting a defocused image directly in front of the user's eye on a small "screen", normally in the form of large sunglasses. The user focuses their eyes on the background, where the screen appeared to be floating. The disadvantage of these systems was the limited area covered by the "screen", the high weight of the small televisions used to project the display, and the fact that the image would appear focused only

if the user was focusing at a particular "depth". Limited brightness made them useful only in indoor settings as well. Only recently, a number of developments have made a true VRD system in practice. In particular, the development of high-brightness LEDs have made the displays bright enough to be used during the day and adaptive optics have allowed systems to dynamically correct for irregularities in the eye (although this is not at all needed in all situations). The result is a high-resolution screen less display with excellent color range and brightness, far better than the best television technologies. The VRD was invented at the University of Washington in the Human Interface Technology Lab in . Most of this research into VRDs to date has been in combination with various virtual reality systems. In this role VRDs have the potential advantage of being much smaller than existing television-based systems. They share some of the same disadvantages however, requiring some sort of optics to send the image into the eye, typically similar to the sunglasses system used with previous technologies. It can be also used as part of a wearable computer system. More recently, there has been some interest in VRDs as a display system for portable devices such as cell phones, PDAs and various media players. In this role the device would be placed in front of the user, perhaps on a desk, and aimed in the general direction of the eyes. The system would then detect the eye using facial scanning techniques and keep the image in place using motion compensation. In this role the VRD offers unique advantages will interact with technology directly through our senses, through technology embedded in what he is calling 'Internet Glasses'. Voice was always organized in sessions with a beginning and an end. Today we have threads, is being able to replicate a full- sized monitor on a small device. The most recent innovations in mobile computing have been based around touch screen technology. The future of mobile devices is both touch less and screen less. By the mobile as we know it today will disappear and something very different will take its place. Instead of touching a screen, we when a thread is started it never Gends and we have many continuing in parallel. Think of your , RSS feeds, Twitter, etc. So this is how our brain works. The hone of tomorrow will be telecoupling and related machines and future is bypassing screens and keyboards altogether. The two key technologies will be laser based displays, which display images directly onto our retinas and brain wave sensing implants as shown in figure 4. This will allow technology to integrate with our 'reality vision' much more seamlessly. We are on the verge of a hardware revolution that will make this all possible, as well as the cloud-based information streaming that will enable the user interface to become a reality.


Synaptic Interface screen less video does not use light at all. Visual information completely bypasses the eye and is transmitted directly to the brain. While such systems have yet to be implemented in humans, success has been achieved in sampling usable video signals from the biological eyes of a living horseshoe crab through their optic nerves, and in sending video signals from electronic cameras into the creatures' brains using the same method.

Figure 2 - Synaptic Interface


A brain'computer interface (BCI), often called a mind-machine interface (MMI), or sometimes called a direct neural interface (DNI), synthetic telepathy interface (STI) or a brain'machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. BCIs are often directed at assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions.

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Research on BCIs began in the s at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) under a grant from the National Science Foundation, followed by a contract from DARPA. The papers published after this research also mark the first appearance of the expression brain'computer interface in scientific literature.

The field of BCI research and development has since focused primarily on neuroprosthetics applications that aim at restoring damaged hearing, sight and movement. Thanks to the remarkable cortical plasticity of the brain, signals from implanted prostheses can, after adaptation, be handled by the brain like natural sensor or effector channels.[3] Following years of animal experimentation, the first neuroprosthetic devices implanted in humans appeared in the mid-s.

Figure 2 - Brain-computer interface

The most profound effect will come from the development of the synaptic interface technology. This technology will allow people who are visually impaired to see just as the hearing impaired are able to hear through cochlear implants. Imagine a visually impaired person gaining the freedom to drive again! This will also remove occupational limitations of the visually impaired.


There are several new emerging ways for the technological development of the working principle of the screen less displays. Several software's are merging for the GEN-X wonder view. Any computer system that can run the Modoc software can present text that has been set in interactive movable type. Most of the Modoc that are consumed in the next few years will be consumed with conventional personal computers, e-book readers, and other kinds of display and projection devices that are now in use. Very soon it appears to be a new kind of input/output system will facilitate communication and interaction between the computer and the computer user. This new human/computer interface is the telereader terminal. Visual Image is a bitmap manipulation and composition product. Bitmaps can be manipulated independently, in the Image Mode or multiple bitmaps can becomposited Together in the Object Mode to create a "collage". Visual Image can create and Manipulate images of any size: the only limitation is the amount of memory resources your system has.


Visual Image gives you the ability to create files in the EYE file format for use in the Visual Catalog program. These EYE files can be used to create catalogs of images in logical sub groupings: for example, you can create a catalog file in the EYE format that lists all images of building materials (brick, concrete, stone, etc.). The File, Export Project command creates an EYE file that refers to all of the images that are currently loaded into Visual Image. When you select this command, you are prompted to enter a filename for the EYE file that is to be created. If you have created any image in Visual Image that are not yet saved to disk you will be asked if you wish to include those images in the EYE file and if so, you are prompted to store those images as bitmaps. The File, Exports Editor Command in Visual Image allows you to pack and choosethose image files on disk that you wish to include in a catalog EYE file. When you select File in Export Editor, a file browser appears from which you can choose the image files to include. Use this browser to select images to add to a project file for use in Visual Catalog.


In Screenless display images projecting directly onto a person's retina, not only avoiding the need for weighty hardware, but also promising to safeguard privacy by allowing people to interact with computers without others sharing the same view. By January , one start-up company had already raised a substantial sum via Kick starter with the aim of commercializing a personal gaming and cinema device using retinal display. In the longer term, technology may allow synaptic interfaces that bypass the eye altogether, transmitting 'visual' information directly to the brain. We can see things because of reflected light. Light bounces of an object and enters our eye. This light then focuses on the retina to form an image.

Figure 3 - Vision process


' To facilitate the interactivity ' To optimize the user's perceptual and cognitive capabilities ' To provide the most healthful visual environment for the user. ' Responding to a variety of user commands (using voice, hand, foot, or other signal methods) ' Providing blink cues or blinks responses ' Modifying output to compensate for changes in user's physiology or reaction time, etc. The new software and hardware will enable the user and the system to better exploit each other's capabilities and to function as a fully integrated team.

Screenless Display: The Future of Visual Interaction

Screenless Display: The Future of Visual Interaction

Priyansh Singh



2 min read


Apr 2,



In an era dominated by screens, the concept of screenless displays is both fascinating and revolutionary. Imagine interacting with digital information without the need for traditional monitors or screens. Let's explore this cutting-edge technology and its potential applications.

What Is a Screenless Display?

A screenless display is a system that projects visual information directly onto the user's environment, bypassing the need for physical screens. Instead of staring at a or computer screen, users can interact with holographic images, virtual objects, and data overlays in real-world spaces.

Types of Screenless Displays

  1. Holographic Displays: These create 3D images that appear to float in mid-air. Microsoft's HoloLens is a prime example, enabling users to visualize complex data, collaborate remotely, and even play interactive games ' all without a physical screen.
  2. Virtual Retinal Displays (VRDs): VRDs project images directly onto the retina, creating a perception of depth and clarity. Imagine reading emails or watching videos without any screens ' just a virtual overlay on your vision.
  3. Projection Mapping: Artists and designers use projection mapping to transform ordinary surfaces (buildings, sculptures, etc.) into dynamic displays. It's like turning the world into a canvas for digital art.


  • Education: Imagine teachers explaining complex concepts using holographic models in the classroom.
  • Healthcare: Surgeons could visualize patient data during surgeries without taking their eyes off the operating field.
  • Gaming: Immersive gaming experiences without screens ' need I say more?
  • Advertising: Interactive ads projected onto walls or public spaces.
  • Navigation: Augmented reality (AR) directions overlaid onto the road while driving.

Challenges and Future Prospects

While screenless displays hold immense promise, challenges remain. Power efficiency, eye strain, and scalability are areas that need further exploration. As technology advances, we may witness a screenless revolution that transforms how we perceive and interact with digital content.

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