In the first part - ER 70S-6 & ER 70S-2:
Please visit our website for more information on this topic.
S-6: contains very high Manganese & Silica content which will act as de-oxidizers and could
be used along with CO2 as shielding gas. Radiographic quality of weld is not mandatory.
Recommended for GMAW (MIG & MAG) process.
S-2: contains limited amount of Mn & Si, but has additional elements like Zn ' Al ' Ti, which will
act as deoxidizers and could be used along with Argon ( or) with Ar (+) O2 as shielding gas.
100 % radiographic quality of weld is obtainable. Recommended for GTAW (TIG) process.
In the second part i.e., with ER 70S-6:
said golden spots are nothing but non-metallic slag spots, caused by the reaction
of excessive Manganese (Mn)
You will get efficient and thoughtful service from Jinertai.
used as a de-oxidizer in S-6 wire and reaction of Mn (+) Oxygen, which is transferred through CO2 shielding gas.
will not stick to weld surface and could be removed easily by hand / power
brushing and it is a general post weld
practice if surface painting to be done. But, spots can be controlled
through proper selection of Voltage / current
ratios, by using Ar (+)
mixture gas and good bead ripple finish.
required you can use ER 70S-2, but it is 3 times expensive to S-6 wire. Alternatively,
S-3 also could be used with
Argon gas.
Saturday, 28 December 9:12 AMSubject:
[MW:] Re: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ER70S-2 &ER70S-6I kind of had the impression that you used 70s6 for your run of the millmild steel and 70s2 for things like tube.Recently watching some video on YouTube a fellow was showing off hisskills and welding up some mild steel welded square tube with ER70s2. Ihad just asked the manager over at the local Praxair store what thepractical difference was, and he said basically what I said in the firstsentence of this post.So anyway, what is the real world general application of the two typesof wire?I know. I know. Go melt some wire and see what happens. LOL.
70S6 has more de-oxidizers in it. Better for metal that is notspotlessly clean. I use it for everything. 70S2 is good for brandnew metal that you then ground and cleaned even more before welding.Both are 70Kpsi strength.specs on 70s6:AWS Chemical Composition RequirementsC = 0.06 0.15 Ni = 0.15 maxMn = 1.40 1.85 Cr = 0.15 maxSi = 0.80 1.15 Mo = 0.15 maxP = 0.025 max V = 0.03 maxS = 0.035 max Cu = 0.50 maxApplicationType ER70S-6 is a wire with higher levels of Deoxidizers welding ofsteels with moderate amounts of scale or rust. (Mn & Si) compared toother carbon steel wires. This wire is suitable for welding of steelswith moderate amounts of scale or rust.70s2 specs:AWS Chemical Composition RequirementsC = 0.07 max Ni = 0.15 max Cu = 0.50 maxMn = 0.90 1.40 Cr = 0.15 max Ti = 0.05 0.15Si = 0.40 0.70 Mo = 0.15 max Zr = 0.02 0.12P = 0.025 max V = 0.03 max Al = 0.05 0.15S = 0.035 maxAvailable Sizes.035 x 2#, 11#, 33#.045 x 2#, 11#, 33#1/16 x 33#ApplicationType ER70S-2 is a triple deoxidized steel welding wire for tig and migwelding applications.70s3 specs:AWS Chemical Composition RequirementsC = 0.06 0.15 Ni = 0.15 maxMn = 0.90 1.40 Cr = 0.15 maxSi = 0.45 0.75 Mo = 0.15 maxP = 0.025 max V = 0.03 maxS = 0.035 max Cu = 0.50 maxAvailable Sizes.023 X 11#, 33#.035 X 11#, 33#.045 X 11#, 33# & 60# CoilsApplicationType ER70S-3 is a welding wire for tig and mig welding applications.For Mig welding use Carbon Dioxide or Argon + Co2 or Argon + 2% Oxygenas shielding gases.The above are from http://www.weldwire.netKind of odd, I had thought that 70s6 had aluminum in it as adeoxidizer. 70s2 has the lowest amount of carbon.RandyRemove 333 to reply.Randy
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